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As soon as Wayo's alarm reverberated inside his room, indicating that it’s already six in the morning, he didn't hesitated going out of his bed like how he usually does. No hitting of snooze button for a couple of times to support the excuse of 5 more minutes for the boy who sleeps like a log.

His giddiness keeps him from concentrating in his class either. Wayo was anxious and excited to see the two angels who just captured his heart the other day.

Now, he is standing frozen in front of the Daechapanya Corporation, astounded by its simple yet elegant structure that's looming over other Firms around it. His Corporation stood proud in the middle of the bustling Wall Street like city.

"Wow even his properties radiate his personality. No doubt, he really owns this place. Damn that guy and his overwhelming aura." Wayo muttered under his breath as he stride inside the infrastructure.

There are several personnel inside the main lobby and he can't help but admire the network of safety protocol and security integrated in the building.

'Gosh my Dad's own business is awesome but his' just shows how he’s better than the others in the same sector. The best in my opinion. Maybe going here after my class is not a good idea.' Wayo internalized when the employees inside looked at him curiously, somewhat shocked at his sudden presence.

He was still in his school uniform and without asking his age and just looking at his facial features they probably think he’s a high school student. Good thing his upper clothe shows the name of the Uni he's attending.

'Weird. Maybe it's the first time an university student enter the building. Wait, don’t they entertain student interns or OJTs?' Wayo dismissed his random thought and ignored the stares he's gaining. He's usually not intimidated but the stares he's getting now somehow makes him uncomfortable.

Wayo approached the front foyer where three women in corporate attires are working on their respective desks.

"Hi! Good afternoon. I'm here to talk to Mr. Daechapanya." Wayo give her his blinding smile while inquiring but it didn't work. The girl with circle specs just looked at him sternly.

Wayo was shocked but played cool anyway.

'Wow did he train his employees to be frigid too?' Wayo thought in disbelief.

"Apologies but the Secretary of the CEO or Mr. Daechapanya himself didn't informed us that there will be someone meeting him this afternoon. I can't let you in unless you make an appointment." The woman stated monotonously and checked him from head to toe.

Wayo mentally face palmed. He forgot to contact his future employer and tell him that he'll be meeting him now and showing up looking like a high schooler is not really something that any executive will be dealing with. He smiled at her sheepishly but maintained his composure. Wayo texted Mr. Daechapanya abruptly to inform him his arrival.

'Shouldn't he be expecting my appearance? He was the one who had informed me yesterday to meet him right? What the hell?' Wayo thought. He was annoyed but still continued faking his smile.

In just a minute, the IP phone near the one he had spoken rings. She answered the call and was surprised for a moment. Wayo can hear her voice quivers as she talks carefully.

"Excuse me S-sir. Are you the 178cm guy?" The girl was still holding the phone indicating that the other line is still connected. Wayo can feel his blood raised to his head and his nerves nearly popped. Every employee in the reception desk looked at him making his ears turned red.

Wayo's bubble of patience bursts and he snatches the phone from the receptionist which made everyone around them gasp and gape at his boldness.

"Yah! What's not clear with not mentioning my height? Are you stupid or what? You rude jerk!" Wayo yelled at the other line without thinking.

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