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I know. I hate it when people start right off the bat with an author's note too. But I want to explain some shits.

So, to start this off I'm not gonna be using any canon timelines. Because they're gross.

/Well not really gross but i call everything gross./

I'm using a timeline, universe, whatever you want to call it, that me and my moirail, GeneticRecord69 , made up when we first met through role-playing.

In this timeline all the alpha/beta kids and alpha/beta trolls know each other and interact with each other. The ancestors are in it too but they didn't ever really appear in any of the roleplays between my moirail and myself.

So to sum that up, everyone is alive, everyone knows each other and interacts with each other occasionally, but of course not everyone likes each other. Obviously.

Now I'm not claiming to be the original creator of a timeline like this but this is just how me and my moirail made things work.

So yeah. That should explain it.

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