~ Preparations ~

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"Alright everyone settle down, you've been here for How long and you still have trouble finding your seats. Your all hopeless." Aizawa said as he entered the bustling room making all the students rush to their seats. "Alright well first things first I guess I should tell you about the trip we're taking in a week or so-"
"ANOTHER TRIP?!" The class yelled out, Aizawa sighed as he waited for them to be quiet again.
"Yes another trip, this one has been planned to be on the down low, most of the staff at UA doesn't even know about it. We're going to be heading down into a secure location to do extra difficult hero training. If your not ready for that then you should leave the hero course immediately."

The class didn't move, instead they all looked more determined than ever before. The class was still like this another few seconds before Iida (the class rep) stood from his seat.
"Aizawa Sensei. I believe that I speak for everyone here when I say that we are all more than ready for our hero training. Especially after our encounter with the Shadow Monarch. He may have planned to scare us, but seeing our classmates stand up to him, he happened to have the very opposite effect. We are more prepared to become heroes than ever before. That is all."
Iida sat down again. Aizawa was surprised to say the least.
"So what I get from this is one of two options. One. Your all complete and utter idiots that just want to get killed..." The class shuttered a little as they remembered their encounter with Shadow Monarch and how close they were to being killed, specifically Mineta who is still lucky to be alive, "... or the second option. You are all going to become the greatest heroes that UA has ever put into the world. I prefer the latter option, but the first option also makes sense."

'Aizawa sensei is right. After meeting face to face with the Shadow Monarch, I've seen how terrifying he really is, but I also saw how much more evil he was than I had first thought. My vow from childhood is no longer a far fetched dream. With the help of All Might and my classmates, I redo my vow. As long as I have air in my lungs and my heart keeps beating, I swear on my life that I will take down the Shadow Monarch and all villainy along with him. This is a promise that I cannot break. No. I will not break.'
Izuku thought as he and the rest of the class stood to their feet and looked at Aizawa.

"WE ARE IN YOUR CARE!" They yelled out together as they all bowed at a 90 degree angle showing their determination and respect to their teacher.

"Heh, definitely option one."


One week later - With Itsuka


'Hmm... its really quiet in here today... where the hell are those three? ' Itsuka thought as he was spread out on the couch. Just then there was a buzzing sound from the door as Misty's voice came through the intercom.
"Sensei? We're here, may we enter?"
Itsuka sighed and clicked a button before answering,
"Quit it with the sensei thing and get in here."
Immediately the door to the room opened and Misty, Two and Mindscape (aka Bendy) entered into the room dressed in their villain gear.

"Nice to know your all rearing to go. Your already wearing your outfits! Im so happy. But, you were late. Why is that?"
"Eep! W-well Itsuka, there was a bit of a scuffle on our front doorstep involving some lower ranked heroes and a few drunks so Two and I decided to remove them before they drew attention to our building. Apparently one of the heroes had a time based quirk that slowed his opponents significantly so we were stuck fighting at a normal speed until Bendy came and solved it all... We are so very sorry for being late."
Itsuka looked at her eyes, 'She doesn't appear to be lying...' "Alright, fine. But don't expect me to be so forgiving next time."
"T-thank you for your thoughtfulness sensei!"
"Mmm." He hummed in response as he headed back to his desk.

Once he sat down the other three stood up from their spots and walked over to him, waiting for commands, orders, anything like that. Itsuka picked up a rubics cube with his telekinesis and dismantled it into its separate pieces and started to spin them around the center before he started speaking.
"Yes sir?"
"Whats the status on 1-A, have they left yet?"
"Yes sir. The class was seen boarding a bus and heading out at five in the morning, most likely to draw as little attention towards themselves as possible."
"Mmm... Well I suppose we can wait a little longer. We'll head out tomorrow at midday. You all better be prepared. For now, just handle the normal patrols and hit lists."
"Yes sir."
"Excuse me sir?"
Itsuka glanced over and eyed Bendy a little before answering, "Go ahead Bendy, you rarely ever speak up so it's nice to know your tongue is still attached."
"Thank you sir. I've heard from my insider once again that the League of Villains plan to attack the hero course with a specialized task force. If this proves true yet again, what should the plan of action be?"
"Hmm, so those pawns are moving again eh? Whats dad thinking, letting that Tomura do as he pleases... he's a child. Nothing more. Alright then, Bendy. I'll send you there right now to keep a close eye on those pests. If they attack the class today then you have permission to fully apprehend them, do your best to avoid being seen at all costs but do not let any harm befall 1-A, or it'll be Your head."
"Understood sir, I'll be heading out."
"Yes you will. For you two, do as I ordered before. Meeting dismissed."

The three of them bowed before Misty and Two walked out the door and Mindscape disappeared in a single swift movement. Itsuka smirked and turned back to his desk where he put the rubics cube together again fully solved and headed towards the chessboard on his desk.
"Lets see~"
He reached and grabbed two white pawns from a bag next to the set and placed them on top of the center of the board. One had L.O.V on its head and the other had 1-A on it. He then grabbed a black rook and placed it with them. The rook had a white M on it.
Finally he grabbed the black knight, bishop, and king and set them to the side. The knight had a 2 on it, and the bishop had a M on it. The king simply had two letters on it, S.M.
"The king is in position. The pawns are set. The game has begun."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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