Sokka x Toph (Soph/Tokka): A Confession

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters nor universe that the creators of the Avatar the Last Airbender series have made. Thank you for understanding that this is a fanfiction written by a fan of the series! Credit for the cover art goes to the very talented Lintarnes!

AN: Thank you so much for reading! I'm not sure when I'll update next as I'm now working on three projects at once, but stay tuned!

There they were, hanging from the platform on that airship, plumes of smoke in the red sky surrounding them. Sokka and Toph had only fallen down to the platform seconds earlier, but it felt like they'd been there for several agonizing hours. Toph's body was dangling in the air, the only thing keeping her from plummeting to her death was Sokka and his warm hand.

Obviously she couldn't see anything, what with her being blind and her feet not being on solid ground. She felt isolated and terrified like never before. Not to mention, it sounded like Sokka had been injured when they both fell from above, a yelp escaping his mouth as his legs slammed into the metal platform, which only heightened her anxious state.

Toph's grip on Sokka's wrist kept slipping, and although she knew Sokka would do everything in his power to protect her like he always had, a pit of worry in her stomach overcame her.

Sokka had just fought off two Fire Nation soldiers moments earlier, losing his boomerang and space sword in the process, and when dozens more of them marched out onto the neighboring platforms, Sokka squeezed his eyes shut. "I don't think Boomerang is coming back, Toph. It looks like this is the end."

Toph let a few seconds of silence pass before calling out his name as she tried to tighten her grip on the boy's wrist. "Sokka?"

"Yeah?" he asked, his voice strained from the pain spreading through his leg and the exhaustion he felt from trying to keep Toph from falling.

Toph sighed, lifting her head towards his voice. "Look, I know you're with Suki and all... but I have to tell you something... if we're going to die, then I have to tell you this; I love you. You've always known how to cheer me up and make me laugh, even if your jokes stink sometimes, and I know we haven't always gotten along and that you love Suki... but I love you. I had to tell you that," she confessed softly to him.

"Toph, it's okay. I do love Suki, but I hope you know that I love you, you're one of my best-" Sokka began to say but abruptly stopped.

Toph heard footsteps on the platforms next to them rushing away from them and back towards the ship before sounds of metal on metal screeched loudly, making them both wince. Almost as quickly as the screeching had begun, the two were thrown down to an airship below, where they both landed uncomfortably.

Distracted from the conversation they were just having, Toph yelled out, "How did that happen? Did boomerang come back?"   

Amid groans of pain, Sokka let out excitedly, "No, Suki did!"

Toph's heart sank. Sure, she was thankful neither of them were dead, but she'd only confessed to Sokka just then out of fear, and now that she knew they would both be surviving, at least this time around, she worried if their relationship would be affected moving forward. Especially since Suki was back.

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