"you're so mean, bakeyama! this is why you can't get a girlfriend!" he yells at me, pointing his finger angrily at me as his eyebrows furrow.

"what did you just say? say it again, you moron!" i grab onto his shirt and lift him in the air. he wriggles, trying to get out of my grip.

"put me down, kageyama!" he grunts as he flails legs in the air, trying to kick me.

"fine," i release my grip on his shirt, and drop him down carelessly. he lands on the ground with loud, hard thump. i hear him wince in pain below me. i just simply turn around and walk into the gymnasium. that should keep him away for a little while.

just as i was about to put my gear down, i hear maniacal yelling from behind me. when i turn around, i see hinata running towards me with pure anger in his eyes at full speed and then my life flashed before my eyes when he slammed against me, knocking me onto the ground. i land on the ground with a hard thump, damn near knocking the wind out of me. i feel hinata's weight on me as he falls on top of me.

"get off of me, you dumbass!" i yell in his face as i attempt to push him off. but hinata pushes my hands away.

"why do you have to be a jerk all the time! why can't you just be nice to me?!" hinata yells at me as struggles to keep my hands down.

"why would i be nice to you? i'll start being nice to you when you learn how to receive!" i push him off of me. he falls onto his back and gets up quickly. i dust myself off as i stand up from the ground.

"one day, you will like me, kageyama-kun! i promise you- ow." hinata falls to the floor as he grabs ahold of his ankle. "ow, ow, ow, what the heck?" he winces in pain as he rocks back and forth, trying to lessen the pain.

"what's wrong?" i say, bending down besides him.

"i don't know, my ankle just started to hurt." hinata scrunches up his face in discomfort.

"let me see, dumbass." i say removing his hand and grabbing his ankle. he winces,

"why do you have to do everything so aggressively, bakeyama!" he screams at me, leaning back on his arms.

"i'm trying to help you, you short idiot! be more thankful!" i yell at him, grabbing his shirt again.

"thankful?? this is your fault!" he screams, getting closer to my face. what is this dumbass saying?

"my fault? PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME TO HOW THIS IS MY FAULT." i pull him closer by his shirt.

"what's all this yelling about?!" daichi storms towards us angrily. he immediately softens up when he sees hinata's ankle.

"oh my hinata-san, what happened?" he bends down and lightly grabs hinata's ankle.

"kageyama dropped me and i landed on my foot wrong. see how gentle he is, kageyama." hinata teases me as he smirks. i growl at him, ready to punch him, but daichi stops me,

"stop being mean to the injured, kageyama." i make a "tch" sound in response and look away.

"DONT SMACK YOUR LIPS AT ME." he says as he pulls hinata's sock down to reveal hinata's ankle changing colors.

"OH MY GOD. hinata, it looks swollen!" daichi lightly pokes his ankle and immediately hinata groans in pain. "does that hurt? sorry." daichi stands up and and grabs hinata's hands, pulling him up. hinata hops on one foot.

"can you stand on it?" daichi asks, keeping hinata balanced. hinata puts his weight on his right foot, the one that's injured, and almost falls.

"n-no, it hurts too much." hinata speaks lowly as he breathes out in pain.

"okay, well i think your ankle is just sprained. you need to go to the nurse," daichi faces me, "you will take him since you caused all this."

i open my mouth to protest but daichi shuts me up when he gives me one of his terrifying looks. i sigh and nod my head, taking one of hinata's arms and putting it around me. i wrap my arm around his waist and i begin to realize just how tiny he is. even his waist is small, my whole arm wrapped around him. i bend down a bit and i look over to see hinata's face close to mine. my breath hitches as i realize just how close we are. for some odd reason, i feel the tips of my fingers burn and my cheeks. what the hell is going on? maybe it's because it's hot in this gym. yeah that's it. i turn my face away and begin to move but struggle when hinata drags his leg along and doesn't move it.

"move your leg, you dumbass!" i scream at him. getting frustrated.

"i cant! it hurts!" hinata yells as his pouts sadly at me. "kageyama-kun, you should carry me on your back, it'll be way easier." hinata smiles at me innocently.

"no way!" i protest, ready to drop him again but hesitate since i learned my lesson from dropping hinata before. we don't want to strain his other ankle.

"please, kageyama! i'm in so much pain and it's kinda your fault for dropping me in the first place." hinata begs as he gives me his best puppy dog eyes.

"how is it-" i cut myself off realizing it is all my fault. i sigh and unwrap his arm from around me. i step infront and of him and bend down slightly, "hurry up and get on" i say through gritted teeth. what a pain.

"yay!" hinata cheers as he jumps on back happily. i grunt from the suddenly heaviness and stand up with ease, wow, he's light. i adjust hinata onto my back properly and head out.

"be back soon!" hinata calls out as we exit the gym. "wow kageyama, you're super strong!" hinata praises as he wraps his arms around my neck and lays his head on mine.

i blush oddly at the compliment. what the hell, he needs to shut the fuck up. "oi, don't go falling asleep. i'm not your pillow."

"i know i know. i won't." hinata says as he tightens his arms around my neck and yawns. "hey, kageyama-kun, why is your ears red?" hinata questions as he grabs the end of my ear lightly, giving it a nice squeeze.

"o-oi! stop touching my ear, you weird ass!" i scream, feeling flustered. since when do i get flustered. he's just an idiot that's why, touching my ear and shit. i hear the dumbass giggle into my ear,

"hehe, sorry, kageyama-kun, your ears are just so tiny and cute!" he giggles some more as pokes my ears. i can already tell this idiot is smiling like a dumbass.

"s-shut up!" i poke his injured ankle.

"owie! fine i'll stop, you meanie." he pouts as his grip around my neck loosens and he rests his head on mine.

i scowl underneath my breath, "dumbass".

authors note.

sorry if this chapter is too long, i got so into writing it i didn't even realize how much i was writing. i'm confused about the -kun, so if anyone can help me that will be great!

see you next chapter!

  -ˏˋ  𝐥𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐚 ˊˎ-
(@ leighachu)

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