01 | 最初の章

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( kageyama )

he is annoying, and tiny and likes to jump all over the place. he is loud, so loud for absolutely no reason at all. he is annoying. oh, did i forget to mention that he's annoying. yeah, he's annoying. BUT that dumbass can jump. he can jump very high, he can even touch the net if he wanted. and he's quick on his feet, his reflex skills aren't half bad either. he just sucks at basic volleyball skills, though. he is shouyou hinata. he's an absolute idiot. the only thing he's got going for him is his jumping skills and his reflexes, other than that, he's absolute dog pile.

but with me around, he's actually useful. i took his annoying habit of moving around too much to use. we first met in middle school, i knew from the second i saw him near the bathroom, damn near shitting himself, man this kid must suck ass. like he looked like a rookie at volleyball, just plain shit. but, i'm not gonna lie, when he jumped for the first time, i was surprised. his little legs was up in the air and for a second, i thought he was flying. he was quick too. i remember saying all his hard work was useless. i said that mainly because i was jealous of his fast reflexes, but that's it. there's nothing else to him.

we met again our freshman year of high school. his face was priceless, he looked like a deer caught in the headlights, absolutely shocked. i was shocked too but more bothered. his weak ass was on my team now, how was i going to deal with him. his skills doesn't compare to mine at all, does he even have any skill? who knows. in conclusion, he needed a lot of work. but somehow we made it work. we put his terrible volleyball skills into use.

after i tossed to him and did a quick attack on accident, we were declared partners. the untouchable freak duo. our quick attack rarely got blocked, and in all honestly, it was because of hinata and his speed. he trusted me completely, which freaked me out, because he barely knew me and he spiked with his eyes closed, trusting me.

so there it is. everything that leads up to now. i'm walking to karasuno high school, which is where i attend, to have volleyball practice. as i was walking, i hear rumbling of someone's feet smacking hard against the pavement. as i turn around, i see the dumbass himself running full speed towards me. running past me, i damn near fell over, stumbling over trying to keep my balance.

"HINATA BOKE!" i roar as chase after him in full speed, determined to win. that little shit got a head start, what a cheater.

"AHAHAHA, you're just too slow, kageyama-kun!" hinata laughs loudly like maniac. jokes on him, he trips and falls flat on his face.

"HA, THATS WHAT YOU GET, YOU DUMBASS!" i speed past him as he struggles on the floor to get up and touch the door to the gymnasium.

"WOOH!" i cheer breathlessly as i hunch over trying to catch my breath. victory feels so sweet, especially against hinata. seeing his little face scrunch up in anger makes me sleep at night.

"31 - 30, my point, you walking tangerine." i say bashfully with an evil smirk filled with triumph. i walk over to him to see him on the floor, pouting like a baby.

"no fair, kageyama-kun. i tripped and got a booboo, it shouldn't count!" he protests as weakly stands up, limping a little bit.

"too bad, you wuss. you lost fair and square, deal with it." i cross my arms over my chest, smirking proudly as i see him frown with defeat.

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