She looked up and saw one heading straight for Ginny. Urging her broom forward she flew besides the redhead and with one resounding crack sent the Bludger flying across the pitch.

Ginny looked at her with her mouth open, "Damn, Luce!"

Lucy winked and flew away.

The rest of the practice went the same way. Lucy zoomed across the field, whacking Bludgers every which way. The two boys barely got any hits in.

"I caught it!" Ginny yelled with triumph, she held up the small, golden ball, ending the drill.

The ten players returned to the ground and Harry, Fred and George met them in the center of the field.

"So boys," Katie smirked, "what do you think?"

"Ginny for seeker, obviously," Harry smiled at the youngest Weasley, "and Lucy for a Beater."

Fred and George said their agreements.

"That still leaves a Beater," Angelina said, "Kirke or Sloper?"

Everyone fell silent, both boys were absolutely terrible.

"Lucy should pick," Alicia stated, "she has to work with one of them all season."

Lucy frowned, she didn't like the position they were putting her in. Everyone turned and stared at here, awaiting her choice.

"Sloper," Lucy sighed, his tryout was slightly better than Kirke, "Sloper."

"Ok," Angelina smiled, "congratulations everyone, thanks for coming out, Lucy, Ginny, Jack, practice tomorrow, same time, we'll fit you for uniforms."

Lucy ran to Sawyer, her hair a mess, and her cheeks wind-burnt.

Sawyer picked her up in an embrace and twirled her in a circle, "congrats!"

"Did I do good?" Lucy smiled, "did you see my hits?"

"You were spectacular, darling," Sawyer smiled putting her down, taking her hand and squeezing it, "you too, Ginny."

"Thanks, Huffy," Ginny playfully punched Sawyer in the shoulder, "let's go get something to eat, I'm starving."

Fred, George and Harry caught up with the trio as they began walking.

"Look at our little sister!" Fred cheered, pulling Ginny into his side, "our little flying prodigy, who would've known."

"Where'd you learn how to play like that?" Harry fell into step with Lucy and Sawyer.

"I've been playing for years," Lucy sighed, "I was Beater at Beauxbatons."

"You killed it," Harry smiled, "the other two looked like burning garbage compared to you."

"Cause they were burning garbage," Sawyer smirked, "nobody can compare to my girl, huh? Luce?"

"Stop," Lucy giggled into his side.

Something flashed in Harry's green eyes and his lip twitched as he looked at Sawyer. He shook his head and a smile returned, "I'm looking forward to seeing you play, Lucy, I just wish it wasn't from the stands."

"I'm really sorry about the whole ban, Harry," Lucy gave him a sympathetic look, "Umbridge is nothing but a frilly, pink, arsehole."

"You can say that again," Harry let out a dry laugh.

"We're going to the kitchens, care to join?" Sawyer asked once they got to the Entrance Hall.

"We'll tag along," Fred and George said in unison.

"Harry?" Ginny looked at the dark-haired boy.

"No," Harry shook his head, "sorry, can't, Hermione will murder me if I don't have my charm paper done by tonight."

"Ok," Lucy smiled, "bye, Harry! We'll see you later."

Harry nodded, a tight-lipped smile on his face. They watched him walk up the grand staircase, Lucy had the sinking feeling something was off with the emerald-eyed boy.

Lucille Rose Potter Where stories live. Discover now