Out Of My League Part 2

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She looked either side of her to find Thalia and Reyna, both of whom had a frown etched onto their faces.

Annabeth went to take a step forward, despite the angry demigods on either side of her, just to gasp when she felt a stabbing pain run up both her arms.

"That's my ring. You can't burn my fucking ring."

"I just did. Well actually, I burnt a ring. How can I burn 'your' ring if it wasn't even yours to begin with?"

"It was obviously meant for me so it was mine."

"But who said it was yours? Did you hear me say the words: 'here's your ring Annabeth' or 'would you like this ring Annabeth'? Did you hear anything of the sort? No? That's what I thought."

With one last sad look at Annabeth did Percy turn around and leave the cabin, not bothering to mention where he was going.

Everyone turned to stare at the door, all with some form of sad expression on their face. They were all stuck between beating the shit out of Annabeth and comforting Percy.

The sound of skin hitting skin brought everyone back to the present.

Turning to look at the source of the sound, they found a seething Hazel stood in front of a bored looking Annabeth. The sound had obviously come from Hazel's palm hitting Annabeth's cheek if the bright red hand print was anything to go by.

"He did everything for you. He slaves away to make you happy. He hasn't slept properly in months because of you, too busy working a load of jobs to get the present you wanted. And you have the audacity to behave like that? To treat him the way you just did?"

Nobody noticed the way a certain trickster sneakily made his way out of the cabin or how with a final glare sent at Annabeth did an angry war child leave.

Nobody noticed, too engrossed in the rants aimed at Annabeth.

The couple finally found Percy. By the lake, upset and alone. Tears were streaming down his face and by the hand covering his mouth, you could tell he was trying to be quiet, not wanting to worry anyone.

They were stuck. Did they go and help him? Did they go and calm him down, make him stop crying? Get him to laugh? Or did they watch from afar, silent and sad?

Did they tell him they loved him?

Chris was the first to react, silently walking up to the crying teen.

Percy jumped slightly as he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders as someone sat next to him. Turning to his left he was met with Chris, offering a confused look. Chris only smiled in return, leaning down to place a kiss on his cheek.

Clarisse just stood and watched, secretly enjoying watching her only two objects of affection interact. It was decided, she was going soft.

With a sigh did Clarisse sit down on Percy's right, refusing to show any signs of affection.

After about five minutes of just staring at the lake did Clarisse slowly lean her head against Percy's shoulder, refusing to look at him.

Percy smiled, happy that Clarisse was comfortable enough with showing emotions other than anger around him.

"Not a word Prissy."

"I didn't say anything."

Chris snorted, amused by the constant bickering that always seemed to surface when the two were together.

"Who said you could laugh, mhm?"

"Sorry ma'am!"

Percy just looked from one to the other, eyebrows furrowed cutely.

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