how you met

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You were working at the small restaurant with a good friend when a group of four boys walked in the entrance. You glanced at your friend, getting her attention and she came over to you.

"Dibs on that group!" you exclaimed and she pouted.

"(Y/N), you got the last dibs too! That isn't fair and the one with the bandana is so cute," she said.

"Actually, you got last dibs on that single guy with crazy brown hair and a fedora. You just never acted on it so you forgot about it," you smirked as she came to realize you were right. You grabbed menus and walked to the boys who had just sat down.

"Hello boys, I'm (Y/N) and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with anything to drink?"

The black haired one blushed and whispered something to the guy next to him. They fist bumped, which made you roll your eyes because, who actually thought that was cool anymore?

"Well, I for one would love a ginger ale and your number," he requested with a red face. His friends chuckled a little at his stuttering.

"Well, I might be able to fulfill your request but I haven't even gotten a name," you told him cheekily.

"Oh! Uh- I'm Calum and this is Ashton, Luke, and Michael."

Once you took the other guys' orders you got him his soda and wrote on a small paper napkin, "Meet me after my shift ends, out front at 7. We should talk ;)."

Your new neighbors had just moved in, and your parents were forcing you to go and greet them. You had accidentally burned the chocolate cookies that you were meant to give them and you didn't have time to make more, so you shoveled some of the least charred ones into a picnic basket and called it good.
You rang their doorbell and prayed silently that no one was home, but the door swung open and you were greeted with a a big curly haired dog. He jumped up in excitement and nearly sent the cookies flying out of your hands, but a steady hand reached out from the doorway and grabbed the handle at the last second.

"Woah! Calm down, Pepper. Go lay down," a curly haired boy told the happy dog, "Sorry about that. She gets a little crazy when she meets new people. You must be (Y/N)! I'm Ashton," he smiled and shook your hand. He was tall and handsome, and your bad mood was suddenly lifted.

"Uh yeah... I am (Y/N). Nice to meet you finally!" you said and grinned at him.

"It's great to meet you too! Hey, do you mind showing me around the neighborhood? You're literally the only person I know on this block."
You walked about the small neighborhood and ate burnt cookies and laughed at each other's jokes, and you could tell this was the start of a great relationship.

You could barely believe your good luck! Your first school dance of junior year at your new school, and someone had already asked you to go with them! At your old school, nobody ever paid attention to you, but you were loving some of the new attention you were getting at this new place.
After school, you were walking to your car in the parking lot when a group in the far corner of the parking lot caught your eye. They were huddled in a circle and shouting, and you could see your date to the dance over there.
You quickly walked over to where they were standing to see a tall, lanky boy in the middle of the circle trying to escape. He had blonde hair and a little acne and blue eyes, and overall he was cute, but a little dorky. Your date threw insult after insult at him until you couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" You shouted at them. They turned around with a surprised look on their face, as if nobody had ever tried to stop them from picking on him.

"Oh hey baby! We were just having a bit of fun. He's a nerd, anyways," your date said laughing still laughing, as the boy inside the circle attempted again to get out.

"You call this fun?! This is bullying. Let me through," you spoke harshly and shoved your way through the circle, "and forget about the dance. I'd rather go alone than with a dick like you."

You grabbed the victim's arm and pulled him out of the circle and you both walked to your car.

"Look, you really didn't have to do that. I'm used to it now, I don't care. I'm Luke," he introduced himself and looked at the ground.

"No way! That isn't okay, no matter what you say. Hey, do you want to sit with me at lunch from now on? I'd rather sit with you than those bullies, anyways," you confessed,"by the way, I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you."

Your boyfriend of a year and a half invited you to his birthday party. You had no idea that it was going to be a huge house party but when you pulled up, you could hear the obnoxious music from down the street. When you walked in he was nowhere to be seen. You sighed, ordered yourself a drink, and sat down at the bar.

"Not much of a party animal, huh?" you turned to see a guy with bright red hair talking to you.

"No... I feel a bit bad considering this is my boyfriend's party, but I've just never like these kind of things," you explained to him, "I'm (Y/N)."

At this moment you saw your boyfriend, but he was sucking some other girl's face off. You stood up and your face turned red with anger. Of course he would cheat on you! He was always kind of a dick, and you could practically feel it coming. You walked over to him and dumped your sticky cocktail over his head, which got his attention, needless to say.

"Oh shįt, (Y/N), you're here already..." He trails off sheepishly and glanced at the floor. You shook your head and walked out, pissed.

"Wait! (Y/N)!" You figured it was your asshołe of a boyfriend, so you ignored him and kept walking. Then someone grabbed your wrist and you slowed down, turning to see the red haired man from earlier.

"Uh, hey... I saw what just happened and I figured you shouldn't drive home so pissed, so uh- can I give you a ride home? My name is Michael," he stumbled slightly over his words, and you knew he was right. You would probably do something stupid if you drive home like this.

"I would really like that, thank you so much, Michael. I really appreciate that," you smiled at him and your anger subsided a little bit. You liked him already.



This was so much harder than I thought it would be like wtf I'm such a bad writer.


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