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Justin: Run me through the plan again.

It's simple; we just go back to school and make it seem as if we've made up and we are back together.

Justin: But we have made up, right?

Of course, but we aren't back together.

Justin: I wish we were, angel.

Justin: See you soon.

See you.

"See you later, mija." Her dad called out as she left the car. With a wave and a smile, she walked through the parking lot and found Justin by the side entrance. He was dressed nicely, as always, in jeans and his letterman. With sneakers she bought him a while ago.

"Morning, baby." He spoke, emphasising the word 'baby'. She rolled her eyes and linked arms with him, walking through to the lockers.

"You need to tone it down," she spoke quietly, looking around for people. "And we're going to have to play the same game with everyone else too." He nodded, wrapping his arm around her and walking her to her locker. She grabbed her Biology book and closed her locker, flirting with Justin as they noticed Jessica walk past.

Justin didn't know what to do next, so he leaned in, waiting for her lips to touch his. Thankfully, they did in a short, brief way. She smiled up at him, raising her voice so Jessica would hear them. "Walk me to class, baby?"

"Sure thing, angel." They could see the stare from Jessica as they walked away, high fiving secretly. He had did as told, walking her to class and dropping her off. "See you after class." She smiled and pecked his cheek, entering and sitting in her usual seat between Clay and Tony. After a few minutes, the class eventually piled in.

"You're awfully chummy with Justin now, did the meeting go well?" Clay asked, sitting beside her and sending her smirks. She nodded and blushed, her head in her hands. Playing girlfriend to Justin just made her miss him more, but she knew, to him, it was just to get back at Jessica. Nothing more.

"We talked and I forgave him, and we're just taking things one day at a time." She replied casually, opening her textbook.

As classes passed, lunch rolled around and Justin had joined the collection of students at the table. It was her and Justin, Clay, Zach, Ani and Charlie. She wanted Sheri, Monty, Alex, and at some point, Jess, to be seated around with them. Justin sat with his arm around El as always, making it known to Jess that they were a thing. But she seemed busy with Alex. They were talking, laughing, and smiling; as if her and Justin were never even a thing.

"Justin," she whispered into his ear, placing a kiss on his cheek so it didn't look suspicious. "Jess doesn't seem bothered, she seems interested in Alex now." Justin turned his head to see the pair laughing together, their hands inches from touching. Justin's heart dropped, not for Jess, but because if she wasn't bothered, then this facade of being Elizabeth's boyfriend was now gone.

He wanted it so desperately to be true, she wanted every time he called her 'baby' to be real, she wanted them to actually kiss in the corridors and it not be for show. He wanted her back. But to her it was just a show for Jess, to get back at her.

"We should carry on anyway," he whispered back. "She might have conspired with Alex to make their own plan." He felt a wave of relief as she nodded, knowing they could continue this way. The bell rang for next session, and they stood up and left the cafeteria, to be met with Winter Formal posters everywhere.


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