Sophitia took a deep breath. I understand rules. More than anyone else, I understand rules. But I have precious friends here. Invaluable memories that I wouldn't dare to forget. Despite knowing and understanding all that, I found love here. Love I would never act on.

A moment of silence.

Floette. Is there a way I can come back?

Another moment of silence.

There isn't, is there. Not without evoking sin.

"There is. It is a dangerous proposition, but it is possible, particularly thanks to the permissions granted by the favour we owe you," Floette said. "We can grant you the title of Diancie's Champion, Nymphina."


"By becoming Nymphina, you will return and live as an ordinary coloured Sylveon. However, you will lose much. The forces of life will erase your existence from the human world. No one will ever know you existed there. You will also lose the powers granted to you by Diancie and Artemis – the shield and swords of crystal that you wielded so well. And lastly, as a champion that stands amongst us, you would be duty-bound to protect the Pokémon world for the remainder of time, exactly as we mythical Pokémon do," she explained. "This is the only way that you can go back to them."

Nymphina. I knew I had heard that name before. The title of a hero, Sophitia thought. Ironic, isn't it? That to become a true hero in your world, I have to do the one thing I was told not to do, and defy the forces of life. I have to be totally selfish and leave everyone behind, everyone who cared about me in my original life. All just to see a boy again.

There was a lengthy pause this time. Floette didn't make a sound. "Take as long as you need. This is your only chance to make this decision."

Sophitia laughed this time. You knew the answer the moment you came here and teased me about it.

"I was not testing you. I was speaking severely out of hand." Floette looked away.

But you don't want me to leave either, do you? she thought. Floette didn't reply. I only have one question about this.

"Go on. I will answer any."

I'll stay as a human Pokémon, won't I? Falling in love is out of the question, and mating would revoke my position immediately, she said.

"It remains as so. You will never be allowed to earnestly reciprocate the romantic feelings of any human or Pokémon ever again."

"Well then. What're you waiting for? Sign me up," Sophitia whispered. Her eyes were gleaming.

"This is not a decision to be made lightly. Please, Sophitia you must—"

"I made my choice when I responded to the call of Pokémon and came to your world in the first place. I lived with you both, Diancie and Artemis, for many thousands of years and never broke those rules. And even when my memories were taken, I remained who I was. This where I want to be."

"Floette. This is where I belong."


The trip home had been a long one for Lute and company. Angel, being a Togekiss, caught every emotion the group felt, and responded in kind. She glided slowly in silence, keeping her altitude high so that they had a clear view of the world around them. They headed for Everend first, and by the time they arrived, the sun was setting.

The whole village came for their return, of course. Cheers and waves shook the air before the realisation that Sophitia wasn't with them had hit, and the chatter diminished into respectful quiet. Still, Lute did as he was told and relayed his story to the Pokémon, and he did it all with a strong smile.

When all was said and done, it had been a very long day for the group. The agents helped to disband the crowd, while Infia offered her place for everyone to stay at since it was big enough for them all. For them, this was to be a celebratory rest before any sort of real party was thrown. With the comfortable summer chill coming on as night descended, they prepared to head inside and call it a night.

Lute held them back for a minute, though. He took in the view of the sunset sinking below the horizon, and adored the magical colours of the sky. After all, this was their trophy, the very thing they had been working towards ever since. He had forgotten what the sunset really looked like, so this was like experiencing it all over again.

Amongst the glistening stars and shades of black, orange, and navy, he caught sight of one golden glow that didn't fade or change with the sunset. An orb of warm, glowing gold light that slowly descended towards them. As soon as he saw it, he argued against his mind that he recognised it. He kept telling himself that this miracle wasn't real, even as it landed before them and began to take shape. Only when it formed into Sophitia did he freeze up and stop thinking completely, stuck staring at her.

It was her in everything but her shiny colouration. Her round form, her spiky head fur, her confident pose mismatched with a caring, almost motherly smile. He wanted to believe it but couldn't, and blankly stepped forward without taking his eyes off her.

Sophitia had to take a moment to get where she was, but stared right back once she realised. She eventually took her own steps to meet him halfway, where her feelers lightly brushed him. "You're wearing my collar."

He gave his feather a tap. Finally, a smile burst from him, and he started laughing.

He laughed with gradually increasing happiness, and jumped right into her paws. She held him up with her feelers and started laughing as well, nuzzling her cheek into his. Like this, they twirled and hopped and danced, laughing until tears filled their eyes and they sounded as though they were crying. By then, Infia and the others had skipped forward to join them, and the group fell into one big cuddle.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Seasons of HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now