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I opened my eyes and at first everything was blurry. As my eyes adjusted I realized that I was in a hospital. I saw Jace in a chair next to me asleep. I took a deep breath and I found that I could! It hurt a lot but I could take a deep breath! Then Jace stirred and looked at me. He realized that I was awake and he jumped up and hugged me really tight. His eyes were red and I could tell that he had been crying. He was still hugging me and I couldn't take it anymore so I croaked, "ow!" He let go and said, "I can't believe you're awake! In your condition the doctors didn't think that you would..." He couldn't go on. I had so many questions! "How long was I out?" I asked. "Two weeks." I was shocked. No wonder I felt so rested! Then I remembered Mr. Carver and fear came back into my eyes. Jace saw it because he said, "don't worry. Carver was arrested for abuse." I started to cry so hard and Jace took me in his arms and kept saying, "it's okay, it's okay, it's over." Eventually I calmed down and said something I never thought I would. "I'm starving can we eat?" He laughed and ordered me some food. I couldn't eat that much at first but slowly I got better. Everyone visited me. It was hard to get people to leave! I couldn't get Jace to leave. No matter how many times I told him that he needed to go home and rest he wouldn't leave my side. We watched tv and talked. Slowly I got better. When I was released from the hospital I had quite a bit of money and so except for the occasional job I quit acting. I got into a good college and became a vet like I always wanted. I stayed with Jace for the rest of my life and he continued to act but I just couldn't. However we had a very happy life together. I was finally free.

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