2 - Misinformation and Resolution

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Tamia woke up at 7 AM to the sight of a bright sun shining through her window. She sprung out of bed and got dressed into her best outfit that portrayed who she is. Tamia proudly wears alt fashion, being all about a gothic style. She was proud of the outfit she pulled together; a bralette, a cropped grey jacket and some ripped black jeans complimented with a belt and some combat boots. She pulled her hair into the iconic space bun pigtail look she pulls off perfectly. She grabbed the address card off of her board and shoved it into her jean pocket, along with her phone. She walked to the kitchen and greeted her mother, and was served with a nice breakfast of her favourite cereal and some milk as good luck for possibly the greatest day of her life. She ate with her mother, and when they were done, they went into the garage to set off to get to the address which Flicker was to be held.
"Are you excited?" Her mother asked.
"More than anything." Tamia smiled.
"Is it making you nervous?"
Tamia glanced out the window, staring at the moving images going past. "Well, yeah... I don't know what to expect, and it's making me so nervous yet excited. You know those type of moments, right ma?"
"I once did." Her mother remarked. "Now my life isn't as interesting, I'm not young anymore." She sighed, keeping focus on the road.
"Don't say that. You still have a young personality!" She'd look at her mother. "Right?"
Her mother shrugged and nodded. "I guess youth is eternal. Maybe not physically."
"Ma!" Tamia piped up. Her mother laughed and kept driving.

The drive took hours, this place was further than expected. Tamia looked out the window, looking at the house which the game was held. It was a single storey built of brick, filled with cracks.
"I hope this is worth it." Tamia smiles.
"I'm sure it is, Tami-bear. Have fun and stay safe, call me if you need me to pick you up." Her mother smiled, worry evident under that mask.
"I will." Tamia nodded, kissing her mother's cheek and exiting the car, now proceeding to enter the house.


Tamia placed her hand on the cold rusted doorknob, having to twist it quite hard to get it to open. She used her body weight to push it inwards to let herself in. - WHACK! - she was surprised with a sudden attack, being knocked out cold by a heavy sack of coal. While unconscious, she was dragged to an empty room with only a chair and a security camera aimed at the chair. She was dropped directly in front of the chair, with a note by her hand. She opened her eyes, adjusting to the dim light above her, she grabbed the note and read it's content.
Welcome to Flicker - The Killing Game
Good team.
You goal is to overthrow the evil team by using your psychic abilities.
She widened her eyes and crumpled up the note, panicking. She stood up and examined the room. There was a journal and a notepad with her name scribed on them. She picked them up, assuming they were hers for the game. She'd exit the room and appear in the normal house, surrounded by a lot of people talking to each other. She'd join the crowd awkwardly.
She'd scratch the back of her head. "Uh, hi everyone!"
They all looked and her, she was swarmed with greetings. This warmed her heart after the panic , she felt welcome and accepted by these people, but little did she know, a murderer and an assassin was upon them all. Tamia walked away from the crowd, and she was followed by a dark-skinned man with a manbun.
"Hey." He said to her.
"Oh - hi!" She replied.
"My name's Chidi, what's yours?"
"Great - wanna be friends?" He'd ask, smiling at her.
"Er- sure. Can I trust you though?" She'd arch an eyebrow. "This is a killing game after all, right?"
"Oh, of course you can trust me. I won't hurt you - I can't anyway." He smiles, patting her shoulder.
"Okay. I'll trust yo-"
A blonde girl shoved herself in the scene.
"Hey!" She shrieked. "What are you two doing? Are you discussing your evil plans? You two are evil, aren't you?"
Tamia and Chidi looked at her, sighing in unison.
"And you are?" Tamia asked, gritting her teeth.
"I'm Charlotte - that's who I am!" She'd cross her arms. "Now stop looking suspicious!"
"Well then, I'm sorry you are so sensitive." Chidi said, rolling his eyes.
A tall dark-skinned woman stepped in.
"What are you all on about? It's only the first night and y'all already fightin'!" She'd shout. "Are y'all TRYIN' to get targeted?"
Tamia blinked, this woman's aggression kind of startled her. "Well - we didn't start it."
"I know you didn't! It's Charlotte - it's always going to be Charlotte, she's such an argumentative woman it ain't even funny." The woman scoffed.
Charlotte crossed her arms. "Well it isn't my fault you are so jealous of me, Aphrodite."
"Jealous of you? Girl, I'm already fabulous as I am! I don't need to be jealous of an-y-bod-y thank you!" Aphrodite laughed. "I bet you don't even know what it's like to be jealous because you're so up yourself!"
Charlotte gasped as Aphrodite, Chidi and Tamia laughed. A brunette laughed from nearby.
"Ooh. Buuurn." She said.
Charlotte went red, in disbelief. "Ally! You're meant to be supporting me here!"
A brunette man beside Ally shrugged. "I mean... Ally is her own seperate person, not your worshipper, Charlotte."
Charlotte stomped her foot, agitated with his remark. "Don't even try, Lukey!"
"Say, since you're so aggressive, you're probably the murderer." Chidi shrugged.
"You can't make assumptions yet you stupid brain-lacking...!" Charlotte would shout, then trailing off to think of an insult. She'd look down and tremble. She'd clench two fists and look back up. "Moron! Yeah! That's the word!"
"It only took you a few minutes." Tamia chuckled, engaging in the conversation. She enjoyed the banter with Chidi, Charlotte, Ally, Aphrodite and Lukey.
"Girl, you can't argue to save your life!" Aphrodite cackled.
"Aphrodite is spitting facts over here!" Lukey called out. "Straight. Facts."
They all laughed, besides Charlotte. Charlotte became a mess of her own anger, she was alone here. Tamia stopped laughing at looked at Charlotte, feeling pitiful for her. She believed Charlotte was apart of the good team with her, so she grabbed her notepad and wrote
Are you on the good team? Don't worry, I can't hurt you
She reread the note and carefully passed it, avoiding dropping it. Fortunately, she successfully passed the note to Charlotte. Charlotte read it over and over, unsure of whether to trust Tamia. She didn't write a note back nor answer. Tamia sighed and thought, it was worth a try. She looked at Chidi.
"What do we do in the meantime?" She asked him.
"We just wait for the lights go to out so the murderer and the assassin to their business." He said, crossing his arms in a way which is not intimidating.
"Oh, I see." Tamia nodded.
"I have a feeling you and I are going to be best friends, Tamia." He smiled, patting her shoulder.
"I've never had a real friend. Will you be a real friend?" Tamia asked, her eyes beaming with hope.
"I'll be as real as they can get, Tamia." Chidi nodded. "I promise."
As they spoke, their new friends mingled with the rest of the participants. However, they had an unfortunate sudden interruption. How unfortunate.

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