Never Forget Pt. 2

68 4 4

Warnings: angst, profanity.

Words 2163

Debby and y/n pushed through the crowd trying to get to the side of the pit. Every once and a while, Debby would stop for a picture with someone, however there weren't too many people in the small building for it to matter to y/n.

"Okay, I can't wait for you to meet them when they're show is finished. Josh is the most sweetest person ever, and Tyler is cute too, but he's more of the serious, 'don't mess with me right now,' type." Debby explained as she pushed the break room door open. "The show starts in two minutes, and I got us seats on the left side of the stage, I just need to get our passes before we leave the back stage."

Y/n was too in awe of everything happening to even listen to her. She loved concerts, even though she didn't listen to Debby's boyfriend's band because it seemed to hit different when you sort of knew the person on the stage.

She loved the vibe, and the feeling of being alive. It made her feel happier and safer with herself than her own home. And this concert seemed to give her the same vibes.

"Okay, hold this. Don't lose it because it's your pass and you won't get back in if you don't have it." Debby explained, and y/n nodded.

"Okay, I won't." Y/n mumbled, and Debby took her hand rushing her outside once she heard screams from the crowd.

"It must be starting!"


Once they were at their seats, it was like right on cue because there was some sort of bass drop, and a guy ran on stage towards the drums.

Debby got up and cheered as some other people did too. Y/n smiled at the energy, and the lead singer came out. Y/n was honestly nervous to see the lead singer, because Debby mentioned— or teased— about him maybe being the Tyler she knew back then.

He had a mask on his face. Some sort of ski mask as he began to rap, and y/n was taken back by the sound of his voice.

"Damn, he's good!" Y/n yelled over the music towards Debby, who was clapping and dancing along.

"I know right!"

After the first song, Tyler was all the way to the left of the stage, and y/n could see him perfectly, and she could honestly almost touch him. Once the last chord played of ode to sleep, he flung his mask off, revealing the face y/n was scared to see.

Brown eyes, brown hair, slight stubble. He looked older, of course. She was 18, and he was 19 in college. Now he was about 23, and he had definitely changed.

Y/n looked down, hiding herself the best she could. Tyler didn't seem to notice her, of course, and he ran over towards the right of the stage as the new song started.

He bent low as he bounced to the music, his voice sounding as though he was energetic and giving his all.

She had finally heard a song of his, and she absolutely loved it.


"What's gotten into you y/n? Come on!" Debby complained, tugging y/n's arm as she dug into her heels as if she was a dog refusing to enter a vet.

"No, let me go!" Y/n whined, her hands secure onto a metal pole, making Debby's pulling useless. "I'm not going in there and seeing him, Debby. I'm leaving." Y/n said sternly, "take this." She gave Debby her pass as she began to walk away.

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