Rosie Baby, She's My Girl McGyver

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Warnings: none

Words 1243



"Rosie Joseph! I swear if you do not stop screaming-" Tyler turned to the window, "I'm sorry, it's my daughter. She's in the back. I would like a spicy chicken sandwich and a six count chicken nugget." He spoke over Rosie's crying in the back.

"Alright. $8.57. Just pull up to the second window." She sounded distasteful.

Tyler sighed, slowly rolling his car up to the window. Rosie's screams only increased, and Tyler hoped he could get out of that drive thru fast so he could park and figure out what the hell she was crying about. It was difficult to care for a baby without it's mother. Jenna was currently sleeping, and she suggested for him to stay home with Rosie, but he was starving. He decided to drive down the road to the nearest Wendy's. He thought he would like the car ride, anyways. She seemed totally fine with car rides when momma was in the car.

Not this time.

As the lady giving Tyler his food slid the window open, she slightly cringed at the high pitched whining. "I'm sorry. That's my daughter." Tyler assured, quickly handing her the money.

Immediately once he was back on the road he pulled into a parking lot so he could care for Ro.

He opened her door, unclipping her car seat and pulling her up into his arms. He looked around to see if anyone was watching before beginning to bounce with her to calm her down. "Rosie baby, she's my girl McGyver. Out of all the people she's in my top fiver. Right behind Gimili, Legolas, and Strider. Rosie baby, your mommy's number one." Tyler mumbled to where it was almost incoherent. It wasn't like Rosie could understand him anyways.

She immediately calmed down, her head rested on his shoulder. He found that the song he wrote was what calmed Rosie the most. He smiled softly. "I need to get you home to mommy so you need to behave for just three more minutes, alright?" Tyler waited, as if he was waiting to hear her response. "Okay, I love you. I'm going to put you down now so I can drive us home."

He put her back in her car seat, making sure she was safe and secure before getting in the drivers seat and continuing home.

She didn't cry all the way home.



Tyler quickly swung the basement door open, excitedly heading for the living room where Jenna and Rosie were mindlessly scrolling through their phones. "Guess what your favorite guy did?" Tyler cheered in a sing song voice.

Rosie and Jenna looked up, their eyebrows lifted in question. "What did Josh do?" Rosie asked, and Jenna nodded, smiling at her joke.

"Not him!" Tyler scrunched his nose in fake disgust. "Well, he had something to do with it. Just get your butts downstairs, and I'll show you."

They both sat up, following Tyler down the wooden steps and into his studio. Upon entry they saw a giant heap of wires scattered around the ground, along with empty Monsters and Red Bulls. Jenna immediately began picking them up, to which she received a questioning glance from both Rosie and Tyler.

"What are you doing?" Tyler asked, genuinely lost.

"I'm cleaning." Jenna clarified as if it was obvious.

"Oh, that's what that was. I thought you just decided to do squats." Rosie chimed in, laughing. Tyler joined in, and Jenna sighed.

"What did you want to show us?" Jenna asked impatiently, and Tyler quickly hopped over to the computer. With a swift motion he clicked the space bar and the surround sound speakers began to display his new creation.

It sounded very retro, and it reminded Rosie of some old songs she's heard. She hadn't heard many of them, but that's what it made her think of.

"Panic on the brain, world as gone insane."

Tyler's recorded voice professionally traveled through the room, and Tyler began to bop to it with a proud smile on his face.

"This isn't even the best part, just wait." He held up his hand to signal for them
to wait until the beat dropped and he began dancing around.

"Cuz I told you my level of concern but you walked by like you never heard"

"Ah that beautiful vocal!" Tyler exclaimed, clearly fangirling over his own song.

"Wow, very modest of you dad." Rosie chuckled.

"This is really good, babe." Jenna bobbed her head along with it.

"Alright, this is the good part. Dance with me, now." He announced as if he was a showman on stage. He quickly grabbed Jenna's wrist and twirled her around.

Rosie rolled her eyes, yet she couldn't keep the smile off her face. The song was actually a really good song. She might add it to her playlist. Of course, it'd be the playlist she's play when she was alone. If she'd play it in front of her friends, they would make fun of her. Call her self absorbed for listening to her own father's music. And most likely will be called an emotional rat by her 'friend' Hailey at school for listening to her uncool dad's emotional music.

"In a world where you could just lie to me!" Tyler yelled almost exactly how he did in the recording. Jenna giggled at his silliness as he twisted her around.

Since the Blurryface era, Tyler and Jenna had made a promise to dance to every single one of his new songs. They've been keeping that a clean record and wasn't ready to break it just yet.

As the song ended so did the married couple. They kissed each other at the end, which made Rosie feel slightly uncomfortable. Y'know, should you look, should you look away? She really didn't know, so she just did a little bit of both.

"How'd you like it, baby?" Tyler asked, wrapping his arm over Rosie's shoulders.

"It was great. I'm very impressed." Rosie gave him an accepted nod, and he ruffled her braided hair making her groan in annoyance. He only chuckled.

Tyler was the type of dad to act like a father, brother, and friend all at once. It was sometimes great, sometimes annoying.

"Alright, how about we all get ice cream to celebrate?" Jenna asked, and Tyler and Rosie both cheered in agreement.

Tyler threw his arm over Jenna's shoulders. "As long as we get to share a cone." Tyler leaned in to whisper in her ear. "And as long as I get to watch you lick it." He then applied a quick kiss to her ear.

Jenna scoffed playfully at that, nudging him away as they all climbed the stairs. "Ew! I heard that." Rosie scrunched her nose in disgust.

"What? It's ice cream I'm going to watch everybody lick it." Tyler rolled his eyes obviously, trying to make it seem innocent. Rosie just scoffed.

"I'm fifteen, dad."

"Holy crap really?" Tyler exaggerated. "Man, you look like you're like... I don't know, seven?"

"Ty," Jenna scolded as she grabbed her purse from around the dining room chair. "You don't look seven, Rosie. You look like a beautiful fifteen year old."

"I know." Rosie chuckled, "Can I drive?"

"Sure." Jenna and Tyler said in unison. Tyler smirked. "You know what that means, sweetheart?"

Jenna narrowed her eyes at her husband, a small smirk teasing her lips.

"SHOTGUN!" They both shouted at once as they took off towards the door.

"I swear I'm living with fifteen year olds." Rosie rolled her eyes as she maturely locked the front door behind her like a smart adult.


Ignore the unreal times. Lol.

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