Imagine Being Sick and The Doctor Takes Care Of You (Part 1)

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Imagine Being Sick and The Doctor Takes Care Of You. (Part 1)

It was a Friday night and you were sick. You had plans to go clubbing with your friends, but you had to cancel.

You had a fever, you had a dry cough, and your throat hurt.

Your sitting on the couch, watching some Supernatural, when someone knocked on your door. You walked over to the door, you looked out the peep hole, it was the Doctor.

"God, I could use a Doctor right about now"

You said as you answered the door. The Doctor gave you a worried look as he walked in. He placed the back of his hand on your forehead.

"(Y/N), your burning up!"

The Doctor gasped. He closed the door and took the blanket you had wrapped yourself in away.

"B...but I'll freezing!"

You stuttered. The Doctor picked you up bridle style and carried you over to the couch. The Doctor set you down gentle on the couch.

"That's your body's way of fighting off the cold"

The Doctor explained. Then you started to shiver, you were freezing cold. The Doctor pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you, you rested your head on his chest.

Then you drift off into your sleep.

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