Chapter 8

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Jack jumped awake, screaming. Waking Jackie in the process

"Bunny what is it" Jackie asked

Jack explained the dream to her

Later that day

Jack and Jackie arrived in California, Air Force One was going to carry the casket to DC then there will be a parade to Arlington.

"Ethel" Jackie cried as she hugged her

"Jackie" Ethel said crying

"How are you" Jackie asked

"I miss him" Ethel said crying

"I know" Jackie said

They hugged neither of them knew Jack had snuck off. He walked to Bobby's casket with an American flag draped over it.

He pulled it back and stared at Bobby's empty face. His eyes we closed

"I'm sorry Bobby" Jack cried putting his hand on his cheek

He prayed and kept his eye closed and thought about his life with Bobby

When he looked up, Bobby's eyes were open looking at him.



We haven't had New Years yet in Missouri it's only 10:10

2014 was a great year, let's bring on 2015 🎉🎊

I hope your year will be great😀

I wish, I wishWhere stories live. Discover now