She heard them yelling while running after her. She was terrified, especially after hearing another gunshot, which was Sana missing. Dahyun and Chaeyoung were running after her, catching up, but what was scary was that Tzuyu was also picking up speed.

Lena shot the window and jumped out, still running. She was not going to risk anything, but with Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu on her ass, she had Momo and Mina running to the car to chase her with the car, they wanted to at least slow her down some.

Nayeon took a shot, which hit The Flower Killer on the tip of their finger, but luckily for Lena, that part was made of clay. She just kept on running, the runners were gaining speed since Lena was getting tired. By the time she made it to the street, the cop car caught up and blocked Lena's path, but she jumped on the car, using it as a boost to grab onto a balcony, then climbed her way to the roof. Surprisingly nobody shot their gun, because they wanted to catch her alive.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon were following The Flower Killer from afar, only up to what they could see. Lena didn't know they were watching, so she stopped to catch her breath. She heard the car speed pass her, then the runner's footsteps faded off in the distance. She was out of breath and was hoping she was extremely careful not to reveal anything about herself.

She sat down on the roof, resting a little bit, but also trying to find a way back to her house without being followed. Sana walked up to Nayeon and Jeongyeon, "Jihyo found a footprint, they have big feet"

Nayeon was still looking at The Flower Killer, "We need to get them by surprise. They lost the others"

Jeongyeon looked back, "Sana, you're the best shooter on our team. You need to shoot them down, the gun is in the back of the car, by the tree"

Sana nodded and went to go get the gun before coming back. She aimed it and had her target locked, right in the chest. Lena on the other hand found a way to go home and moved from her spot to slide down a little. Sana had taken the shot, which freaked Lena out, causing her to run off. She changed in an empty alleyway then went to her house. She hid everything and went to sleep.

Lena woke up to the sound of her doorbell and went to go open the door, it was her teammates. She let them in with a confused look, "Works over? Did I sleep all day? No, I could've sworn I went to sleep at...huh"

Jihyo looked over, trying to see any sign of improvement, "Feeling better?" Lena nodded, she was trying to look better while still trying to look a little sick.

Jeongyeon sat down on the couch, "So are you saying you haven't eaten all day?"

Lena nodded, "I'm sorry, I didn't know I slept all day"

Jihyo walked into the kitchen, "I'll cook, don't worry"

Lena looked at them, "So what did I miss today? I bet it was boring without me"

Sana sat down on the floor, "Actually it was the most entertaining day I have ever had. We saw The Flower Killer for the first time ever today. Caught them in the middle of their act."

Lena pretended to be shocked, "What?! I knew I should've protested against you guys, or just rebelled and shown up at work. So did you catch them?"

Momo shook her head, "They got away. Nayeon shot their finger though, but it honestly looked like it didn't affect them. I'm surprised we survived"

Lena smiled a little, "Well it's probably because they know you guys are the best badass cops around."

Mina nodded, "Yup. Well hopefully next time we can get them. I wonder what made today so different."

Lena started to think, pretend to think, "Well what was the call you got?"

Chaeyoung looked up, "I know, it was 'report of multiple shots fired next door,' so when we went, we saw The Flower Killer and Momo made a plan."

Lena nodded, "Did you get any new information from that whole craziness?"

Tzuyu nodded, "They have big hands and big feet, we are waiting for the result for an estimate on what shoe size. The height was hard to tell because they were constantly running, ducking, and bending down. Oh, also they refused to talk, I guess so they don't reveal their gender."

Lena sat back, "I bet it's a male"

Momo scoffed, "Hey, girls can be badass too"

Lena nodded, "But they have big hands and big feet so it's obvious they're male. Oh wait, nevermind. Nayeon's a female." Nayeon got up to hit Lena, but she was able to dodge it.

Jihyo saw Nayeon, "Lena shouldn't be moving too much. Be careful Nayeon"

Lena stuck her tongue out at Nayeon behind Jihyo's back, so Nayeon stood up, "Sorry Ji, I need to teach this girl a lesson."

Lena backed up, "Wait. Wait a second, I'm sick. Remember?"

Nayeon smirked, "That helps me because it slows you down." Jihyo grabbed Nayeon's wrist and pulled her away, "Let's eat.

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