The Escape ~ Louis

Start from the beginning

"Will you at least listen to my plan before you condemn it? Maybe together we can find a solution."

I agreed, and she proceeded to tell me that there was one weak link in our captors, the one who was always late for her shift. According to Meghan, she was weak in resolution and strength, and Meghan believed that by creating a convincing story, the girl would unlock the door. She had already made up a story about needing to use the bathroom, and that she would promise to be quick if the girl just let her go in a bush nearby. Usually we were accompanied by two women, and I will tell you - the most awkward thing I've ever done in my life.

If the girl agreed, Meghan would attack her before she had time to call for help. Marshall and I would follow a strict route to escape, while she picked them off one by one. I began to grow 'okay' with the plan. She promised to stay hidden and not take any chances. I agreed, on one condition.

"I don't want to take your tattoo. That would drain your strength and make you vulnerable. By leaving it on, it'll be a promise to me that I'll see you again, okay?"

She nodded, hesitantly, but it was still a nod. The next few hours Meghan and I spent getting to know each other a little better. It was comforting to know that I wasn't the only one with mommy issues, and who had a preference to my dad over my mom. But the whole time, something was nagging at me in the back of my mind.

"Hey Meghan?" I asked, interrupting her mid-sentence. "Sorry, but...I have a question."

"Yes?" She chuckled.

"You aren't doing this escape plan to impress anyone, are you? Because you really don't-"

"For the first time ever, I am doing something brave because I care about someone else. Don't ever doubt how highly I regard you and Marshall, you understand that? I love you both," she replied seriously.

I smiled, hiding the tears that were gathering. "Thanks." I tried to say more, but my voice broke and I coughed. It made me feel good to know that someone cared, other than Hanan.

Marshall woke up, and we spent some hours talking to him. We took turns explaining the plan, and he was opposed to it about as much as I was. But, he was convinced it was best for himself, and he agreed with me that if Meghan stayed in the shadows, she would be fine. So, we went to sleep and waited for morning. Nervous as I was, I fell asleep right away.

Meghan was up early, and immediately had Marshall and I getting ready to go. She had her flint knives in hand and was crouched by the door in wait. The guards changed places, and after approximately five minutes, Meghan asked the girl if she could use the bathroom. She told her she really had to go, that it couldn't wait. The girl agreed, and I cringed as I heard her mingled cry as Meghan slit her throat.

I avoided looking at her body, all huddled on the ground. Meghan closed the door as we exited, but then moved ahead and slowly took out three of the guards in the same manner. She had cleared the way for us to go, and promised to follow close behind. We each gave her a hug, and I bit back a comment on the tears in her eyes.

"Will you tell the others goodbye, in case-" she asked as one of the tears rolled down her cheek.

"I won't have to," I nodded encouragingly. "You're an amazing friend, Meghan. Hanan's lucky to have your affection."

She blushed, and I smiled as I picked Marshall up and began to follow the path that she had described. I had my doubts, curious as to why she knew the outside so well, why the women would take her out of the cabin and speak with her so often, but I trusted her. So I got out of there as fast as I could.

When I saw Nightshade's black coat sticking out like a sore thumb among the greenery all around us, it was a welcome sight. I didn't even want to guess at how long we were walking. My shoulder had started to ache, even from Marshall's weight. I was practically dragging the poor guy. He had been light enough for me to carry for awhile, but after my legs had given out and I almost crushed him, I thought it better if we both walked for a little bit. But he was only half conscious, and I was taking steps of two inches by the time we reached the others.

Hanan was the first to ask about Meghan, of course. I told him, weakly, that she should be right behind us, that we only needed to walk a little farther back before we would come to her. But then I passed out and couldn't say anymore.

One of the other boys carried me, while Marshall rode Nightshade. I slept, but it wasn't the comforting rest you get after you've been awake and walking for almost forty-eight hours. It was the sleep riddled with nightmares because bad things were happening throughout my life. When I woke up, the cabin was in sight, but there was no sign of movement.

I immediately began looking for Meghan among the faces of my companions, hoping she had joined us while I slept. But when my quick search turned up negative results, I implored Cam to set me down. I called for her in the trees, this time hoping that maybe she was just injured and hiding.

"Louis?" my sister asked, quietly approaching me from behind and laying a hand on my shoulder. "You should come over here."

I dragged my feet as I walked, kicking up the dust and silently spitting on every dead woman I walked past. I passed the scary lady, and the big one, and I saw the girl that Meghan had started with. The ground was strewn with dead bodies, and I could point out each wound that Meghan had inflicted. I started to imagine what had happened, how she had killed each of them.

But finally, I came to one body in particular. My cousin was kneeling, holding her close to him, allowing only small noises of anguish to escape from between his lips. Marshall stood there sobbing, while Cam hung his head and allowed the tears to fall silently. Lilly laid her hand on my shoulder. The bright blonde hair with black beneath her gave her away...

Meghan was dead.

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