The Final Stone

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*at the World Tour bus*

King Moon: Well, this whole Stone collecting is very easy. There was Six Strings, and that took a whole day. With Four Stones, this will be a piece of cake. But we are not finished yet!

Nightcore Troll 2: You're right! We just need to get The Yodeler's Stone and we are right near it!

King Moon: No, you idiot! After we get the stone! We will go to the rest of the tribes and take them for my "One Nation Under Nightcore" tour!

Nightcore Trolls: Yeah!

King Moon: Now Adrian, since you are my Head of silent capturing, i need you to take care of the ship. Get the yodeler's Stone, Capture all the Trolls! As for me, i will be taking a course to Techno Reef. I still have to get Trollex. We need his Soul mostly to make Nightcore live forever! I know you will do me good. Set a course for Techno Reef, i will see you at Nightcore Nightingale.

Adrian the Nightcore Troll: All right, i can't let him down! Everyone, you heard me! Here's the plan. First we take The Yodelers Stone, Then capture the Country Trolls cause they live there, And then we head for Funk, Classical, Pop and Rock to take their Trolls. Then we go back to Nightcore Nightingale with King Moon. We should be heading to Lonesome Flats now!

*at Lonesome Flats*

Delta Dawn: Even though you are a Yodeler, It's nice to have you to our town, Hickory and Dickory! What do you think? Should we throw down a rodeo for our new members?

Country Troll 1: Fine by me.

Adrian the Nightcore Troll: Or you can have a rodeo at my place.

Delta Dawn: Uh, are you new around these here parts?

Adrian the Nightcore Troll: Actually, i'm not new. I come from a far off place outside the Troll Kingdom named Nightcore Nightingale. It's a nice place, really.

Country Trolls: Ooh.

Adrian the Nightcore Troll: And we here are looking for a rare Stone you guys have.

Hickory: Uhh, I know what you are talking about, cause we own one, but what's the deal here?

Adrian the Nightcore Troll: Oh, nothing. *does hand movement saying Bubba, Wilkes, Now!*

Hickory: Uhh, what are you doing? *Bubba and Wilkes collect the stone*

Adrian the Nightcore Troll: Wait, is this the stone? Oh thanks you guys, you really shouldn't have! Now . . . GET IN THE TRUNK.

*with King Moon*

King Moon: Okay, Trollex should be in Techno Reef, and Adrian knows what he's doing so all i need is Trollex's Soul, and then Bam! The concert should start. Okay, now. *dives in Techno Reef* Trollex, Trollex, Where are you, i want to take you to the party.

*King Moon keeps looking but no one is there, so he dives into Trollex's house*

King Moon: Hmm, Trollex's Diary. *starts reading it* *goes to Today* Dear Me, Today i am . . .

King Trollex: . . . going to go on an adventure. I'm going to get ready to fly to Nightcore Nightingale with my Techno Trolls swimming there, to see what King Moon wants to do. No matter what, It's gonna be a fun rave!

King Moon: He LEFT!? *growls* Okay, Trolli, We're gonna do this the hard way, whether you like it or not. I'm coming for your soul, Troll-E! I'm Coming!

Adrian the Nightcore Troll & King Moon - 6 Columns
Delta Dawn & Hickory - 2 Columns
Nightcore Troll 2 & Nightcore Trolls & Country Troll 1 & Country Trolls & King Trollex - 1 Column

Trolls: Nightcore World TourWhere stories live. Discover now