The Five Stones

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*transition to Techno Reef where King Trollex just got changed, ready to do an opening number*

Bliss Marina: That was a vibin' beat, Trollex!

King Trollex: Well, anything to make Morning Musical Raves seem fun!

Techno Trolls: *cheering* *leave*

King Trollex: Ahh, that was a good start to the morning.

*suddenly, Trollex gets a voicemail*

King Moon: Hello, Trollex of the Techno Trolls. My name is King Moon of the Nightcore Trolls. I am inviting you to a party. All you have to do is bring yourself . . . cause you . . . are the main attraction. See you tonight at 8PM at Nightcore Nightingale, our main Rave place. See you there, or better yet . . . you can take a ride with me.

King Trollex: Hey guys! I recently just got a voicemail saying King Moon of the new Nightcore Trolls wants to bring us to a party at his place, Nightcore Nightingale! Tonight at 8!

Techno Trolls: Woo!

BDB: Uh, dude, not to burst your party bubble, but we should go to King Peppy. He knows something you do not about this.

King Trollex: What are you talking about? It's just a party! *swims up to the surface*

*at Pop Village, King Peppy was minding his own business*

BDB: Peppy!

King Peppy: Ahh, Trollex, Beat Drop, How's it going!

BDB: Unfortunatly, Trollex here doesn't know about the Five Stones.

King Trollex: Five Stones?

King Peppy: Ahh, The Stones, follow me.

*at the waterfall*

King Peppy: You see, Back during the time of The Six Strings, there was also a time where the Tribes had Five Stones for the not really important Tribes. Green for Reggaeton, Purple for K-Pop, Red for Smooth Jazz, Brown for Yodeling and Black for Nightcore. Nightcore was the most dangerous of the Stones. Remixing anyones music and making it faster, turning their music into Nightcore too. The Nightcore Tribe was banned from The Troll Kingdom. If it ever returns, it will come for the Stones and also to steal the souls of the other leaders.

King Trollex: Their . . . souls? He's coming to steal my soul?

King Peppy: Yes, Young King. He would steal the souls of the main leaders of each tribe. Pop, Country, Rock, Funk and Classical. But the most one they want, is the Techno King or Queen. Nightcore hates Techno so much, they would do anything to steal the soul of Techno.

King Trollex: The soul of Techno. They don't want us to have a rave. They want us to connect with their music!

BDB: What?!

King Trollex: We can finally discover new music! We can have new friends!

BDB: Trollex, did you not hear? Banned from the Kingdom? Stealing the leaders souls?!

King Trollex: I'm sure they thought about this. Maybe they don't want to steal our souls. Maybe they want to be friends.

BDB: Whatever, i can't deal with this, i have to go.

King Trollex: It doesn't matter. We have a United Troll Kingdom, We can have more. We're all Trolls! I'll prove it myself.

King Trollex - 10 Columns
Beat Drop Button - 6 Columns
King Peppy - 3 Columns
Techno Trolls - 2 Columns
Bliss Marina & King Moon - 1 Column

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