Friends; Gotta Hate To Love Them

Start from the beginning

"No, I mean madwoman and sir murderer."

They both looked at me with confused faces, demanding an explanation.

I took a deep breath, "I may know who attacked the orphanage, killed everyone."

Katy bolted to her feet, eyes glaring and fists tightening.

"You know who's responsible for Kate?"

"I have a pretty good and accurate guess, but I want to be a hundred percent sure—"

"Shika! The person responsible for ruining our lives might be right around the corner and you want to wait?!"

This was the second time I had ever seen Katy lose her calm, but the rage that had her now made her eyes look wild and hungry for violence. Ash had to slowly raise her hands and gently force her to sit.

"Yes Katy," I said calmly, "I want to wait. Because rushing into it is probably what killed my parents and almost got me killed, twice. So if there's the slightest chance that things could go wrong and I lose you guys too, then I won't take it."

The door opened and little Addie poked her head in. The air in he room was still sprinkled with tension, so when we all looked at her, she flinched.

"Uh... Lieutenant Cameron wants us all." She said quietly.

Katy looked down before standing and heading out of the room. Ash looked at me, then at the door, before following Katy out. I just rubbed my forehead and sighed.

"You guys had a fight?" Addie asked.

"A rarity, but it gets really emotional when it does happen..." I said while wondering in the back of my mind why I saved her the first day at the barracks.

Then I lifted my head and looked at her, remembering why. Her baby blue eyes reminded me of the innocent toddlers from the orphanage. I didn't even want to think about her story.

We found everyone else in Trent's little lab of mad concoctions. Colin was looking a gun over in his hands and making stupid faces, while Ash had a pair of sai in hers. And Katy,

Katy got a sword, straight up.

Addie walked over to get her own gun and Cameron took her place at my side.

"You guys had a fight?" He asked, casting glances between me and Katy.

"That is none of your business and how in the world did you know that?" I said under my breath.

When Cameron didn't answer, I turned and faced him. The height difference surprisingly wasn't as big as it was a few months ago,  but it didn't make the smug grin he carried any less annoying.

I stuck out my hand, "Give it."

He bobbed his head from side to side before taking my left hand in his and pulling off a small clear circle from the back of it. I glared at him.

"You put that on me in the basement didn't you?"

"Maybe, maybe not." He shrugged with a smirk.

"No more listening bugs without my permission, okay?" I glared while poking his chest and he just laughed.

"Do you know you look cute when you glare?" He said while laughing.

"Do you know you're extremely annoying?" I snapped.

"Only seems that way for you." He returned.

"Ooh, couple's a little snappy~" Trent said.

I subconsciously felt my hand  move to the left side of my hip where the handle of my Tanto rested. I probably had an inhuman grin as I inched closer to Trent.

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