Raj: No buts, Manik. You both deserve a holiday. Just enjoy the break. Bas shaadi karke mat aana. We want to see your marriage.

Manik(glares): Dad.

Nandu grins at Manik as the parents leave for their respective works. She gets changed into casuals and goes to meet Manik and finds him already changed and scrolling through his mobile.

Nandu: Manik.

Manik: Nandu, come na. Sit.

She takes a seat in front of him.

Manik: Do you want this holiday?

Nandu: Tujhe nahi jana kya?

Manik chuckled at the way she was looking at him, skeptical. They both needed a break, away from all the work.

Manik: I wanted to ask you. Do you have any place on your mind?

Nandini rubbed her hands in excitement.

Nandu: Bring a world map. We will throw a dice. Jaha dice girega, we will go there.

Manik(rolling her eyes): Murthy, we have to go on a holiday. Gambling nahi karni.

Nandu pouts but before she could say anything further, they get a call on their device from Aryaman. Manik closes the door as Nandu answers the video call.

Arya: Hey, sister.

Nandu: Aryuuu...how are you?

Arya: I am fine, sistaa. Where's my Manik? Is he still alive?

Nandu glares at him and Manik chuckles, joining them.

Manik: Hello, brother.

Arya: How are you? It's been two weeks since you called me. Do you guys even remember me?

Manik: It's not like that Aryaman. We were busy with a project at the office. Couldn't find time for anything else.

Nandu guesses the guilty tone and wraps her hand around Manik's.

Nandu: And hence, we earned a holiday. Without any restrictions or phones.

She explained their previous conversation with all her excitement making both of them chuckle.

Arya: So, did this crazy girl select any place to go?

Nandu: No. I am confused. There are like so many places here on Earth. I wish I could come there. That would be different, right?

She fakes sadness while Manik nods his head in disbelief.

Arya: Ahh...Sister, why don't you come here then?

Manik: Okay, Arya. Stop encouraging her stupidity.

Nandu: Manik, I am not stupid. I miss my bhai.

Arya(teased): I doubt. You just want to see my planet.

Nandu: No, bhai. I really miss you.

Arya: Okay okay, I agree. Manik, I am serious. You can come here for a few days. Actually, you people have permission. I mean the four of you who were part of my character assessment project. I didn't tell you before as I thought you guys will freak out. But this would be a change for you.

Nandu: I don't want to go anywhere with your favorite Soha.

Arya: Yeah yeah. I know. I don't want her to pollute my planet's atmosphere. But what about you? I really miss you.

Nandu: What am I supposed to pack? The ideal set of clothes. Any other essentials? Documents?

Arya: Just your usual pair of clothes. Your documents wouldn't be valid here, so, nothing else. I will take care of the rest.

Nandu: When?

Arya: Day after tomorrow? Is that okay?

Manik: Okay okay. Hold on. Don't you think this is getting a bit insane? Can we switch this topic?

Manik wrapped his hand around Nandini's wrist to hold her from jumping in her excitement. Nandu pinches him hard making him glare at her.

Manik: Why did you pinch me?

Nandu: Because you are finding all this a bit difficult to believe. So this. Manik, you aren't dreaming. We are really going to Mars. Now stop disturbing.

Arya: Manik, this isn't insane. Just come here and look around. You will get a break. And how can you be scared while Nandu is beside you?

Manik: Are you assuring me or threatening me?

Nandu: Manik.

Arya: On a serious note, Manik, I will be there with you. Do you think I will let you guys be in trouble? Your safety is my responsibility.

Nandu: Of course. Because I will kill all the residents of your planet if something happens to Manik.

Arya: I wouldn't even dare to doubt your capabilities, sister.

Nandu: What about Cabir then?

Arya: Bring him along if you could. The three of you. I will tell them, Soha lost her mind and couldn't travel.

Nandu: Perfect.

She flashed her teeth and Aryaman laughed out loud.

Arya: Day after tomorrow, at midnight, come to the cliff. There will be a spaceship and you people will be escorted to my place. Is that fine? Just give me a call if you face any trouble in between.

Manik: Sure. We will keep you informed. Take care.

Nandu: Bye-bye Arya.

Arya: Bye crazy girl. Bye, Manik.

He goes off and Manik pulls a jumping Nandu beside him.

Manik: Calm down, will you?

She rubs the crease on his forehead.

Nandu: Stop frowning. I don't want you to ruin my favorite face.

Manik: Nandu, yaar.

Nandu: Arya is there. Cabir will be there. We will have some fun. If not, we will return back. It's not like we will be trapped there for the rest of our lifetime? Aryaman won't let anything harm us. Right?

Manik: Thank you. And sorry. I don't know why I am taking everything too seriously.

Nandu: Because my baby needs rest. Come sleep.

Manik: When are we packing then?

Nandu: Tomorrow.

Manik: And informing Cabir?

Nandu: We won't inform him. Use bas free ka holiday and khana bolo, aa jayega. Otherwise, he will freak out.

Manik pecks her head, pulling her close.

Manik: My crazy girl. Just be with me. I will go mad without you.

Nandu: As if we are any bit saner now. But still, no, I can't leave you. Priorities man. Priorities. Goodnight Manik.

She, as usual, rests her head on his chest before drifting to sleep. Manik sleeps a while after staring at her. 

NOTE: Yes, this is the plot. Manan are going to Mars. This is the sequel. I wanted to name the book 'Manan At Mars' but I didn't want to reveal the plot. If you want, I can change the name now. 

They are going to Mars. Sounds insane but it's different than the regular fights and making up or them getting married and having children. So, it works for me. Feel free to drop in your opinions. If you want to read ahead or not. :)

Any more questions are always welcome. :)

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