7. Challenges

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It had been a few days since the video was filmed, and it had only gotten posted yesterday cause Hunter took a while to edit it.

Me and Sophie hadn't seen much of each other in that time, or we never got a chance to properly hang out. We were both always just busy filming other videos, but today we were finally filming a video with the whole squad.

It was a video for Piper's channel, and most of the squad was going to be in the video. I was up on the roof, waiting for Piper to come up. I was the only one here cause I was helping her film her intro.

Finally I saw Piper coming up the stairs, and I ran up to hug and greet her. "Hey Pipes" I greeted, planting a quick kiss on her cheek. She gave a small smile, but I noticed her pull away from the hug slightly.

A concerned look overtook my face. "Piper, are you ok?" I questioned, looking at her. She shrugged, looking around nervously. "Yeah, I'm fine..." she mumbled. I could tell she was lying but I didn't want to force her to talk.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her to sit down with me. "So, what've you been up to?" I asked her. "Well, I saw Sophie's video..." she commented. She seemed to nervous to look at me.

"Oh, haha, yeah... that." I stuttered awkwardly. Finally she looked up so that her eyes met with mine. "You guys looked really happy in the video... or at least quite cute" she commented.

I shrugged. "Just good acting I guess" I lied. If Piper picked up on something, what if other people did too?! I haven't watched the video yet. Maybe that's why Piper seems off...

I was brought out of my thoughts when Hunter finally came onto the roof. "Hey, are you guys ready to film?" He asked, grabbing his camera. Me and piper nodded, standing up.

"SHALOM GUYS! I hope your day is good but better watching this video! Today I have the squad with me to film a really exciting video!!" Piper exclaimed, plastering on a wide smile.

"We're going to be doing..... LAST TO FALL ASLEEP!!!!" She yelled dramatically. "I have the squad to help me out with this video so why don't we zap them in!"

Hunter cut the camera. "Good job, now let's get the squad up here. Piper pulled her phone out and texted Sophie to bring the squad up to the roof to film.

About a minute or two, the squad was walking up the stairs. Hunter started filming again. "Today I have Sophie, Jentzen, Sawyer, Hayden, Emily, Symmone and of course my boyfriend Lev with me!" Piper exclaimed.

"Some of the squad couldn't make it but that's ok!! So, do any of you guys have any idea what video we could be filming today?" Piper asked the squad.

Sophie stepped out in front of the camera, stroking her chin. "Hmm, well I would say a last to leave the roof challenge but we've already done that video!" Sophie pointed out.

"I think it has something to do with overnight, since we're all sleeping over here" Hayden butted in. Piper smiled. "Well, you guys will be staying the night, but there won't be much sleeping involved..." Piper grinned mischievously.

Sophie suddenly gasped. "Are we doing a... last to fall asleep video?!?!" She questioned loudly. "YESSS!!!" Piper screamed. The whole squad cheered.

"Right, so what should we do first?" Piper looked around for answers. "Hmm... we don't exactly look the part, so why don't we all change into some onesies!!"

Everyone agreed and ran upstairs to get changed. Sophie went to her room to change with Emily and Symmone. The guys were going to change in the bathroom so I went to join them but Piper stopped me.

"It's ok, you can come change in my room with me" she offered, pulling me in to her room and closing the door behind us. "Uh... you sure this isn't weird?" I asked sceptically, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"It's fine, you're my boyfriend, I feel comfortable around you. But if you want I can turn around" she offered. I nodded. "Yeah, maybe that's best" I mumbled.

I changed super quickly so I could get out of the room. I waited outside for the others to finish changing. Finally everyone was done and we started walking outside.

"Hey Lev, if you weren't changing with the other guys then where did you change?" Sawyer asked me. "Uhh..." I trailed off nervously, not knowing what to say. Everyone around me started making "oooo" sounds.

Piper stepped in to say something, probably seeing I was nervous. "Guys he changed with me, it's no big deal we're boyfriend and girlfriend, right Lev?"

Sophie gave me a weird look, but I tried to ignore it. Instead she turned to talk to piper. "I don't know Pipes, you're twelve... don't you think that's kinda weird?" Sophie asked.

"You're one to talk, I can't believe you're trying to tell me how to act around my own boyfriend! You sure act close enough with him!" Piper retorted. For a moment it looked like Sophie would respond but she decided to just drop it.

We found Hunter and started filming again. We filmed for a few hours with nothing eventful happening - just the usual stuff like challenges, and I spent a lot of time next to Piper.

Finally we were starting to run out of ideas, and we were thinking about what we should do. "Omg guys, I have a great idea!" Symmone piped up. "What?" Emily asked.

"Well.... did you guys watch Sophie's new video?" She asked with a mischievous smile on her face. "Uhh, yeah?" Hayden asked. "Well... there we're some really funny comments on that video... why don't we read a few!" She suggested.

Everyone cheered, gathering around Symmone with her phone in her hand. Although I wasn't as excited. As soon as she suggested it my heart had dropped. What does she mean funny? Are the comments... bad? Did people pick up on a few things I hoped they wouldn't?!

Symmone began reading some of the comments out.

"Am I the only one who kind of ships them two together?"

"Jentzen, go get your girl!"

"Guys I don't know about you but they actually seem really happy together... this doesn't even seem like a challenge they're just having fun and being a great couple together"

"If Piper isn't careful Sophie might accidentally take her man. Look at the way he looks at h-"

Before Symmone could finish reading the last comment, Piper cut her off. "Alright, that's enough!" She yelled as she grabbed the phone out of Symmone's hands.

I looked over to Sophie, noticing her eyes were glued to the ground as if she felt to uncomfortable to look up. It seemed I wasn't the only one who noticed as I saw Hayden move next to her and put an arm around her.

"Guys stop, you're making Sophie uncomfortable" Hayden defended Sophie. Sophie looked up at him. "Thanks Hayden. And guys, it was just a video... you know that, right?"

The squad nodded, even Piper all though she seemed to believe it less. I moved towards her, leaning an arm on her shoulders to cheer her up.

"Piper, don't get upset over that video..." I whispered to her. She looked up at me with an annoyed look. "I'm not upset about the video, ok?!" She snapped at me.

As soon as she realised what she did her face softened and a look of sympathy washed over her. She hugged me. "I'm sorry, I just want the two of us to spend time together and be happy" she hummed in a soft voice.

"Ok" I replied. Me and Piper went to cuddle on the outdoor sofa in her backyard, but the whole time I was with her all I could think about was how I'd hate for Sophie to act different around me just because of those comments...

Could this make us less close? I don't know if I can handle Sophie pulling away...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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