I'm so going to murder her!


From what I'd just experienced, I heard, saw and learnt quite a few things. I got to experience pain even more, and this pain I felt was more painful than the first pain I'd felt when I saw my parents lying dead. It was like an opened bruise, only much, much worse than that. Sitting here on my bed, I didn't know whether I felt more saddening and devastating pain, or extremely angry. Maybe a mix of both, but one thing for sure: my anger could not be controlled, and it's not like I even wanted it to be. I wanted to be angry, because the more angry I felt, the more determined I was to end that girl once and for all, no matter whether she looked like me or not. It wasn't fair that she got to do this horrific thing and get away with it; no one should, and as Queen of Paris, as my parents' daughter, and as the twin sister of the murderer, it felt like it was my job to stop her. It was my job.

On the other hand, the good thing I learnt from this experience was that the person who Maman had been texting before was Laura, the daughter of Clara Nightingale. Not only did Clara know Chloe's parents, but she also knew my parents, and from the way they talked about her, it didn't sound at all like Clara was a good human being. I wanted to find out what relation Clara had with Bridgette, and what Laura had to do in all of this mess.

This was where I was continuing.

I stood up from my bed and opened the door, leaving my bedroom to enter my other, larger pink, little-girlish room. The four of them were still there, none of them speaking, just staring into space. Even when they saw me come out, none of them said anything. It was as if they were lost for words. I stepped up towards them as I folded my arms, looking from one person to the other.

"I know things may be a mess right now, and I know some of you still don't fully trust me, but if we work together on this, we could be able to stop her. No. We will stop her. Right now, she's sort of being careless; she doesn't know anything about what my powers are, which we could use against her. We could. . .find her ourselves before she attacks someone else," I breathed in and out, before I continued. "If you're willing to help me out, here's what I'm thinking. The next target is one of my high-school classmates. So, here's what we do. We gather every single one of them here and keep each other safe while still looking for clues. We could do it all here." I could see they were thinking about it, which honestly brightened me up with the fact that they were considering it. "I can use my abilities to find more clues, while some of you could look through the internet and see if you find anything interesting, or you search around the palace, but the thing is. . .we have to stay in here and in here only until it's safe."

"How are we going to gather everyone here?" Chloe asked, raising her eyebrows at me. "And most importantly, how are we going to know when it's safe. She could attack at any given moment and. . .if we let everyone go before we're positively sure that it's safe, someone will die and it'll be on us."

"I understand that, Chloe, but please, we have to at least try. We're not letting anyone out until we're positive that it's safe, and the only way we can be positive, is if we stop Bridgette ourselves." They all gave me questioning looks and I nodded back at them. "Yes, that's right. We're not letting anyone out until that witch has been captured! We'll provide rooms, food and whatnot to them, after all, this place is large. I'm sure they'd love it here." I walked towards the door. "We better get going. The more we stay here, the higher chance it is that she's already arriving to do whatever she wants to do. We'll spread out to hurry things up. I'll take the limo, Adrien and Chloe, you take your own limo, while Alya and Nino could take the van. This way, we can all get them here faster." They quickly obeyed and started following me out of the room.

I snapped my fingers towards Louis and he immediately started to follow me out of the palace. "There's no time to waste," I told him as he got ready to start driving. "I don't know some of their locations, because obviously, everyone moved after high school, but I remember some of them telling me where they lived. I'll tell you each of their addresses and what I want you to do is drive there as quick as you can." After speaking, I gave him the first address, and we were on our way.


"Hey, Mylene," I waved over at my old classmate when she opened the door for me. She seemed really excited to see me, but I cut her off before she could say her greetings. "Mylene, we're having a celebration over at the palace and I just thought it'd be nice to invite you." I decided not to tell them the real reason so as not to scare them. I also didn't want the word to spread about Bridgette, because I knew as soon as it did, it would be all over for me. Bridgette looked exactly like me, and no one except for my closest friends and parents knew I had a twin sister. They would all believe that Bridgette was me. "I'm inviting my entire high school class. Of course, I can't leave you out." After saying that, Ivan himself appeared behind her. Mylene quickly told him about the invitation and the both of them agreed to come over.

"Oh, allow us to get dressed first," Mylene said, but I quickly stopped her.

"No need. There will a bunch of outfits there to choose from. You really don't need to try and look good when you already do." I quickly grabbed her arm, dragging her towards the limo. Ivan locked the door first before he followed behind us. The three of us headed inside the limo, where Alix, Max and Nathaniel were waiting. "Louis, drive." I'd told them all the same thing about the celebration we were having, and they all really seemed so excited about it as well. I did kind of face-palm myself because I hadn't prepared any celebration at all. I didn't really worry about that, though. I planned on telling them about them staying in the palace for a while without exactly telling them the full reason why. When Louis started driving again, I got a call from Chloe.

"Marinette, I came back with Sabrina. Alya just got back with Juleka and Rose, Adrien with Kim, while Nino. . .has Luka and Kagami?" Chloe sounded confused for a second. "But, those two weren't in our class, were they? Anyway, forget it. What about you?"

"I have Ivan, Mylene, Alix, Max and Nathaniel," I replied. "I think that's it. Louis, you may head back home now." I hanged up the phone with a deep breath, glad that this was going according to plan. So, Bridgette hadn't attacked yet; well, that was so satisfying to see. I turned around to face the others. "Truth be told, I was kind of in a hurry, so I didn't really do much, but I hope we can all have fun, after all, we're more than a class. We're all friends." They all nodded, telling me it was fine, which really relieved me.

I looked back in front and waited until we finally reached back to the palace. Louis opened the door for us and we stepped out of the limo and headed towards the palace. I opened the door for them and they all walked inside while saying thanks. When I walked inside myself, closing the door behind me, my eyes widened with shock to see that the entire place had been so decorated. It looked like some kind of a birthday party was happening.

I walked over to where Alya was standing and asked her how all this had happened. She grinned as she poked my arm lightly, looking around. "We're obviously not going to tell these guys the real truth. . .at least not yet, so I decided why not come up with an idea or something. Before I left, I asked the maids to decorate the place and make it look like a party. I hope this is okay, though."

"Are you kidding me. This is perfect!" I couldn't help smiling widely while looking around. One of the reasons why Alya was even my best friend was because she understood me without me even telling her what I wanted. Sometimes, she even came up with the same ideas as me and got to it right away, lifting some burdens off my shoulders. I loved her because she always had my back. It was like we had two different bodies, yet the same exact minds. I turned around to see Chloe walking up to us.

"There's 16 of us, including Kagami and Luka," she informed as she pointed over at the others who were already making themselves comfortable. "I. . .I feel like we're missing something."

I frowned a little as I looked at each person either talking to each other or taking a look around. "Oh my goodness," I gulped as a sudden realization hit me. "We're missing someone." How was it possible that we had skipped over her? I turned to look back at Chloe. "We're missing Lila!

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