Chap. 14

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It's because we're connected!

Connected? Connected how?

I leaned in forward and took ahold of the glass of water in front of me, the words that girl had spoken still stuck in my head. In my other hand, I was clutching unto the envelope, and although I had been so eager to open it before, I wasn't so sure now. I took a sip of water and placed the glass back down on the table in front of me. My eyes landed on the envelope once again. I remembered Alya saying that the girl had written her name on the envelope, so searching for the name was the first thing I did. I turned the envelope around, and there, just barely noticeable, was a small writing at the bottom corner. I brought the envelope closer to my face so I could read the writing properly.


I read the name a couple of times, until it started getting clearer for me despite the handwriting. One thing different from us now was that I had a much neater handwriting than her. Perhaps, this girl never went to school, or maybe she did, but didn't really care for it. This girl. . . Bridgette. But why would she write her own name? Did she want me to know who she was. . . she wanted me to find her, didn't she? She wanted me to know who I was really up against.

I took in a large breath and tore the envelope opened, before taking a peek inside. I noticed a folded paper, and what happened to be three pictures. I took the paper out and placed it down beside me, then I reached in for one of the pictures. I pulled it out and turned it over, but the second I looked at it, I immediately regretted it. On it was a picture of my parents, lying on the floor with blood underneath and around them. Standing beside their dead bodies was none other than the girl herself, with her face covered and everything. I couldn't help feeling this anger inside of me, and I didn't even bother to push the anger aside. I wanted to be angry. This was cruel, so out of the world. This wasn't something I should have been experiencing now at a young age. I should have been leading a happy, exhausting, but happy life. Instead, this girl decided to come and ruin it for me.

I placed the picture aside and picked up the next one, already knowing what would be on it. Just like I expected, it was this time, a dead body belonging to Romain himself. And on the last picture was of Alya's parents, with the girl standing beside them in each picture. So, are you trying to tell me that after she murdered these people, she snapped a photo of them and decided it'd be a good idea to send them to me? I gritted my teeth loudly as I slapped the envelope away from me, as if that was going to do anything to help. This girl. . .she was toying with me. She enjoyed seeing me be like this. She wanted to make me feel so angry, so devastated and upset, that one day, I'd explode.

I breathed in steadily, before reaching for the note. I unfolded it and looked at each word, reading them carefully. This time, I didn't even have to spot a hidden message in the note. The words written down gave it away, and I froze up after reading what it said; 'your high-school classmate is next!'. What was that even supposed to mean? What was this girl's problem, and why was she doing this?! My high-school classmate? I had more than one; it could have been anyone. I ripped the paper in pieces out of anger, tears already threatening to fall. If this girl had planned on making me feel so broken and weak, then she succeeded. I wasn't successful in protecting my parents, Butler Romain, and Alya's parents. How was I going to protect my classmate? The worst part was that I didn't even know which classmate it was.

I tried to calm myself down, but nothing was working. I could feel myself breathing heavily and faster than usual, as if I was about to pass out again. But, I didn't pass out; instead, my eyes were glued to the wall of my bedroom, my brain dead. As in dead, I meant I had absolutely no idea of what to do, no idea where to start, and no idea of how to do anything. If someone had told me all this would have been happening after I became queen, I would have called them delusional. If I had known all this would have been happening after I became queen, I would never have accepted that crown to be placed on my head in the first place. I only wiped my tears away when I heard the door opening and Adrien, Alya, Nino and Chloe walked inside. Alya looked worried, even despite the fact that I was now a suspect in her eyes, while Chloe and Nino stood off to the side, not sure whether to confront me or not. Adrien was the first to reach over and immediately embrace me, and I felt warm in his arms. For a while then, memories of what was going on seemed to vanish out of my mind. . .that is until Alya brought my attention by asking about the pictures.

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