Chap. 9

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I had tried reaching for the doorknob again, but I felt another chair being flung at me, so I dodged. Dodging consisted of me moving away from the door. I realized I had to take this woman down before I even thought about leaving here in peace. I also had to report her, make sure the police officers knew the kind of woman she really was. Madame Camille reached her front door, and I watched as she suddenly locked it. Gulping, I raced to the back of the house, trying to see if there was anything I could find to take this crazy woman down. I then noticed the flight of 12 steps, and seeing that Madame Camille was coming up behind me, I rushed upstairs.

There was only one door when I got upstairs, and when I tried to open it, I realized it was locked. I whirled around to see the woman walking up the stairs, and my heart thumped loudly when I noticed what she was holding. A knife. Dang it! I'm so stupid. I could have stopped by at the kitchen and grabbed a weapon there. I backed away until my back hit the wall. "W-Why are you doing this?" I wasn't just terrified. I felt angry, betrayed. I felt stupid, having to fall into this woman's trap. She must have been waiting for me or something. "You don't h-have to do this!"

Seeing the woman's hand tremble instantly caught my eyes. When I looked at her, I could suddenly sense fear in her eyes. She was trying hard not to shake all over, I could just feel it. "You. . ." I saw her stop walking, holding the knife out in front of her. "Who's making you do this?" As soon as I asked the question, she started walking towards me again, and I just felt like I'd said the wrong thing. "Please stop it! I didn't do anything to you!" Before she could raise the knife and push it towards me, someone from behind grabbed ahold of her. I tried turning my head to see who it was, and I gasped a little to see it was Butler Louis. He grabbed the woman's arm, turning her away from me, before he pushed her forward. When the woman stood up again to attack, I reacted quickly, taking a huge step and slamming my palms against her stomach.

Madame Camille slipped off the first step and started tumbling down the stairs. Breathing heavily, I rushed down after her, wanting to pin her down as soon as she reached the bottom, so she wouldn't have a chance to get up and attack again. Madame Camille landed on the floor, and I grabbed ahold of her arm. As soon as I did though, I let out a sudden shriek that even scared me myself. My head started to hurt and I shut my eyes tightly as if that was going to prevent me from feeling the pain. When I reopened my eyes though, I was in a different location.

This. . . It was happening again. I was being sent to a different location, to a different scene that had happened in the past. I looked around, gasping to see that I was standing on a balcony, and when I looked further away from me, I saw Queen Audrey and Madame Camille in the flesh. I slowly walked forward to hear what they were saying. Queen Audrey had tears rolling down her eyes which she didn't even bother to wipe off, while Madame Camille was looking at her with what seemed to be a terrified face.

"Camille," Queen Audrey turned her head to face the woman. "Please get me a glass of water. I'm feeling thirsty all of a sudden."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Madame Camille quickly nodded her head, before turning around and walking through an opened door. This was where it was happening. This was where Queen Audrey threw herself off the balcony. Her death scene was playing right in front of me. I wish there was a way I could just reach out to Queen Audrey now and tell her not to do what she was about to do, but of course, it was impossible to have that kind of power. This scene already happened. Queen Audrey was already dead. To be able to change the past just like that was a little too much.

Don't do it. Surprisingly, Queen Audrey hadn't thrown herself over yet, and already Madame Camille was coming back. When I turned to look at Madame Camille, I frowned a little to see that she wasn't holding any glass of water. I clasped my hand over my mouth as I watched with huge eyes as Madame Camille rushed forward towards Queen Audrey and slammed her hands against the queen's back before she could even look back. I could feel my heart pounding as I just realized what had happened. It hadn't been suicide.

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