Icecream explosion

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"Just watch Felix until I get back." Seungmin said as he slipped on his shoes.

"Wait why me?" Changbin groaned. By some magical coincidence he was stuck in the house with only Felix and Seungmin who was watching him because Chan was out but Seungmin said that he had to leave which meant that Changbin had to stay with Felix.

Felix was fine when he was big but little Felix was a whole other deal.

"He'll probably just sleep until I get back, don't worry hyung." Seungmin smiled, leaving the dorm.

"Please sleep until someone gets back." Changbin muttered, laying back on the couch, scrolling through his social media.



Felix rubbed his eyes and sat up on the bed and frowned. When he had gone to sleep Chan was there but now he wasn't. This threw the little into an instant state of confusion.

Felix hopped down from the bed and padded his way into the living room and was surprised to see only Changbin there.

"Where hyungie?" Felix asked, walking up to where Changbin was and sitting on his lap.

"Oh Chan hyung had to go out lixie, why don't you try to go back to sleep."

Changbin ended up coaxing the little to lay back down and the two cuddled as he tried to get Felix to go back to sleep. A few minutes later Felix did end up falling asleep but not for long and before Changbin could expect it Felix was already hyper.

"Catch me!" He yelled as he ran around the dorm for about the tenth time so that Changbin would catch him and tickle him then the whole game would start over again.

After the tenth round Changbin was exhausted, how did Felix even have this much energy?

"Lixie let's take a rest now." The older let out an exhausted sigh and laid on the ground while the little grumbled and pulled on his arm.

"Nuuu Lixie and Binnie play now please." Felix demanded as he tried to get Changbin off the floor but sadly failing.

"I go run and you find me okay." Felix said before running off. Changbin sighed and sat up ready to chase the little but when he went to go chase after Felix, the little slipped and fell, hitting his head on the ground.

At first there was a moment of silence. Felix laid on the ground in shock for a second and then started to cry once the painful feeling of hitting his head set in.

"Ahh Lixie it's okay, you'll be okay." Changbin picked up and Felix and kissed and rubbed the little's head, trying to get him to stop crying but it wasn't working.

Then an idea popped in Changbin's head.

"Don't cry, I have ice cream." he said softly causing Felix's cries to become lesser. 

Changbin took Felix to the kitchen and sat him down on the counter before reaching into the freezer and pulling out a tub of vanilla ice cream. He took out a spoon and a bowl and scooped the frozen treat out then handed it to Felix.

"Much better now huh?" Changbin smiled watching Felix devour the ice cream in a matter of seconds. The little ate it so fast that he had gotten ice cream on his shirt and face so Changbin went to the bathroom to get a wash cloth to wash it off before Felix got too sticky.

When he got back the kitchen was covered in ice cream and Felix was sitting there contently eating the ice cream out of the tub.

"How did you even......" 

Changbin couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. As he began to try and figure it out the door open revealing Seungmin who gasped looking at the state of the kitchen.

"I just told you to watch him not let him destroy the kitchen."

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