Chapter 8 - Flashback

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Five years ago:

The entrance exam to UA had been few weeks ago and you were waiting for the acceptance letter nervously.
You thought you had done well so why was it that the letter hadn't arrived yet. Your parents would end you if you didn't get in. 

Days passed by with no sign of the letter and you got frustrated, training was the only thing keeping your mind away from the possible failure.
You trained every day after school and usually spent hours in the quirk training area. Your mom would always get mad at you for arriving home far after dinner.

One night everything changed. You were walking home from training, the sun had gone down by now and your mom would kill you for that, but you weren't worried since she never actually did any of the threats she said.

You were walking your normal route past a park when you heard it. A scream for help pierced your ears, without even thinking you ran towards the sound that was coming from the park.

In the distance you saw a man pinning a woman down on the ground, he had a knife drawn out and he looked like he was about to stab the woman.
There were no heroes in sight, you had to do something.

You spread your fire wings and jumped of the ground so the villain wouldn't be alerted by running footsteps. You boosted yourself forward as fast as you could and kicked the villain off of the woman.

You pulled in your fire wings so you wouldn't burn the woman behind you and stood there waiting to see what the man would do next. The most important thing was to keep him away from the two of you.
His knife had flown somewhere so he was now unarmed, he looked shocked. A 15/16 year old girl had just kicked him with full force and wasn't backing down at all.

The villain slowly got up to his feet and you activated the fire in your hands to try to scare him of, it worked perfectly. He ran straight into one of the heroes that was coming to the scene now.

While the heroes were dealing with the villain you turned around to look at the woman who was still laying on the ground, she had tears in her eyes.

"It's okay now, you are safe! The heroes are here" You said to woman as you helped her up from the ground.

"Th-Thank y-you" she said with a shaking voice, the woman held on to you until the heroes came up to you.
They took the woman to the side to help her recover, and one hero stayed behind to ask questions about what had happened.

You told the story, how you acted because the villain was about to kill the woman and there were no heroes around to save her.

"You acted brave today but remember, you can't work without a hero license", the hero said to you, you knew that but did you really have a choice?

"She would be dead if I hadn't stepped in!" You said back defensively.

"If we act against the law we are no better than the villains. And if someone got hurt because of you this wouldn't be such a nice story", the hero said before turning around and leaving.

You were only trying to help the woman, nobody got hurt because you stepped in. Were you really just supposed stand there and watch the woman get murdered because the heroes weren't around?


That was when you decided to become a vigilante. The world needed more heroes now, you didn't have time to wait for the school to make you into one.

The acceptance letter from UA came a week after that day, your mom and dad were so proud of you, their only child, their only pride and joy, going into the same school as most of the top heroes.
They told all the relatives they could about you getting in and they hosted a party for you before the school started.

Code Name: Phoenixजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें