Chapter 12 - Decision

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Hawks entered the bedroom, walking to his closet where he kept his hero clothes in.
While changing his shirt, he started wondering if his words had been too rude. He really didn’t give you any time to think about the situation, and had almost forced the idea that you had to leave.

While trying to find his shoes he started to think about the reason behind this sudden idea of making you move apartments.
He just got you back, so why were his instincts telling him to push you away.
You were better off without him right? You were in danger in the first place because of him.

Hawks had finally finished changing outfits after struggling with his wings for a bit.
He took a quick look in the mirror, seeing the sad yellow eyes staring back at him.
Hawks then headed to the nightstand next to the bed, where he kept a bottle of whiskey as a midnight snack. He took a quick sip out of it before heading back to the living room, hitting his shoulder against the doorframe as he went past it.

Hawks walked to the balcony door, placing his hand on the handle, and before opening the door he turned back to look at you. You were facing the other way, playing with the food on your plate.
He wanted to apologize, or say something before leaving. Instead he stared at the back of your head for a second, admiring your just washed hair, he could almost smell the soft scent of the shampoo and conditioner you had used.

Hawks wanted you to stay, but how would he ever explain himself after just telling you that you can or need to go back to your old life.
He thought the situation was too far gone at this point, and it was best to leave it be. So he opened the balcony door, quickly flying off after closing the door behind him.

You turned your gaze to the door, seeing the red wings of the hero disappearing into the distance. You let out a deep sigh now that he was gone, wondering why he had been standing in the living room for so long.

"Should he really be drinking and flying", you thought to yourself while looking at the empty whiskey glass Hawks left on the counter.
You continued to play with the now cold food on your plate. You had lost your appetite, which was a shame since there was still lots of delicious food left.

You started wondering if what Hawks had told you before changed anything, after all, he had intentionally put you in danger.
Maybe if he would have just asked you to play along,  instead of kidnapping you and putting you through all that trauma, things would be different.
Would have you said yes to such a request? It was impossible to know now.

After getting back to reality from your daydreaming, you finally got up from the chair, and cleaned up all the food that was left over from the breakfast, sorting everything into containers.
You then headed to the fridge so you could put everything in there so the food wouldn’t spoil.

"Why is this so empty?" You questioned, looking into the fridge that only contained an old looking takeaway box and a half empty bottle of water.
You decided not to think too much into it and placed the containers from your hands into the fridge.

You then headed to the living room, wondering what you should do next. You had all the time in the world to pack the few things you had brought here.
You had no idea how long Hawks’ work hours would be today, but you imagined it would be a while until he got back home.

You took a better look at the living room now, you didn’t have much time to do that yesterday night since you were too exhausted from everything.
You hadn’t spent that much in this apartment before the whole Dabi incident, but you didn’t remember the place being this untidy.
There were dirty clothing, takeaway boxes, and empty whiskey bottles, all of them were visible in the bright sunlight coming in through the windows.

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