Chapter 3 - Bird In The Cage

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The silence of the darkness that surrounded you was getting comfortable. You had been floating in there for hours, not sure if you were sleeping or just dead.

The darkness was peaceful when you had no memory of the real world. No idea of the dangerous situation you were in.

Suddenly your body jolted awake from cold water that was splashed on you. You sat up before you had even the chance to process what had happened and where you were.
You tried to activate your quirk from the shock but nothing happened.

When you finally had the time to get used to the world that wasn't filled with darkness, you saw the creepy man from before. He was standing few meters in front of you with a bucket in his hands.

You backed away until you hit a wall behind you. Instead of coming closer the man just walked out of the room you were in and closed the door behind him, locking it from the other side.
The door looked like the once they had in dungeons, it seemed thick and it had metal bars on a window with no glass.

As you looked around the room you saw that it didn't really have anything in it. There was no windows which made you think you were underground.
There wasn't really any furniture in the room either, only a small mattress in one corner.

You stood up from the ground, realizing your head was hurting like hell. As you looked down at yourself you noticed that you were still wearing your costume which was wet from the random shower the man had given you.
You checked for your mask and it was still on, but if they knew where you lived they must also know who you are.

'Wait.. Hawks was there before I blacked out..' you thought as you finally started remembering things, the headache you had was not helping you at all.
You slowly made your way to the door and tried to look through the bars to see where the man had gone to.

"Oi dumbass! Let me out!" You yelled to the other side but heard no answer back.
"I know you are there! Just let me out now and I won't kick your ass later!" You continued yelling but got nothing.
You ended up kicking the door out of anger making your leg hurt a bit. You just now remembered the wounds on your legs that Hawks had made. They weren't bleeding at the moment but you would have to clean them up soon.

"Where the fuck is Hawks?" You yelled and hoped the man would finally answer.
If he was still in the building, he wasn't anywhere you could see from the limited vision you had from the window.

"He will come later.. Now can you shut up?" The mans voice answered with an annoyed tone.

"Actually now that I know you are there I will annoy you until you let me out or get me Hawks" you said to him. After a moment of silence the man suddenly appeared in front of the door.

"You know.. I wouldn't make demands in your situation.. We don't actually need your tongue for anything.. So if you don't shut the fuck up you know what will happen.." he said with a scary and calm tone while taking a hold of the bars of the door window, you took a few steps back from the door.

You decided that the best way to go about this was just to stay silent until Hawks came there.

"Good.." he muttered before releasing his patched arms from the bars of the door and walked back to where he came from.
After he was gone you made your way back to the door to look around the place more.

Behind the bars you could see a medium size room that continued more to the right where you couldn't see.
On the other side of the room from your room seemed to be a small kitchen area that looked dirty and old.
On the right to the 'kitchen' was a door that looked more like a front door. If you had a chance you would definitely try to escape through that.

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