Prologue (May be edited later on)

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Enestia's powers were too great for the seven groves, and they quickly collapsed, their towns and cities crumbling from a spell whispered in her sleep. She could not control it, and everyone was out to get her. When the girl was born, her parents fled, for she bore the mark of a witch. Everybody in the seven groves used magic, but witch magic was stronger than most, known in the past to bring pain and suffering to the land. The truth was that witch magic was just seriously hard to control, and Enestia discovered this on her eighteenth birthday, right before the summer solstice. The moon was high in a crescent, and the clouds were whipped low over the mountains of the kingdom like cotton candy. Everything was silent and peaceful and still, apart from the inner churning of Enestia's magic. She couldn't help her actions most of the time, and even if she could, the suppressed magic would eventually burst forth and cause more damage than it would have. Enestia was born with a curse, and that was what she was taught to believe. But in reality, the people who taught her were just afraid of what unknown magical power might bring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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