-1- Trying to hide

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Yamaguchi's POV

I Groan as I slowly sit up and sling my legs over the side of my twin sized bed still barley awake. I get to my feet and make my way towards the bathroom to start my daily routine.

I get my things for practice and make my way down the stairs, glancing at the microwave to see I don't have time for breakfast.

"I really have to stop hitting snooze seven times" I think as I make my way out the door with an empty stomach.

I see tsukki walk by the front of my house, his hair blowing in his face by the light morning winds.

"Oh wait up tsukki!" I yell after him, running to catch up.

I notice the familiar headphones resting atop his head as I slow down next to him. He doesn't acknowledge my presence, just keeps look forward down the deserted suburban street.

The rest of the walk was like that: tsukki listing to music, me trying to keep up with his walking pace and stealing little glances at him every now and then until we get to the club room for practice.

We get changed and make our way to the gym me right behind tsukki just as we do every morning.

When we get there the only people in the gym are kageama and hinita who were bickering like an old couple again.

I sigh and go to get a ball to use. Tsukki comes over and stands with me putting a hand on his hip as his eyebrows crease together in annoyance.

"Do those two ever shut up?" He asks looking away from me and over to the two of them who were still yapping at each other.

"I guess not." I reply simply. Tsukki just shakes his head and makes a tch sound before turning back to me.

"Want to stretch together?"he asks in his monotone voice. We stretch together every day but I liked that he still asks even after all these years.

"Course tsukki!" I answer bright and cheery, my eyes crinkling at my wife smile.

"Ok let's go."he says looking bored and unimpressed. You would think it's just early morning tiredness but that's just how tsukki is.

We stretch and talk about school assignments and such until dachi and suga come and practice really starts.

I leave tsukki to practice my jump serves, grabbing a ball and tossing it up. I run forward and give it my best jump, aiming my arm to hit the ball but miss at the last second and fall back down onto my heels.

Losing my balance I start to lean backwards but strong arms catch me by my underarms lifting me back up to stand stable on my feet again.

Once on my feet again I turn to see a bored looking tsukki once again. I blush a light red barely noticeable in the gym lights.

"Whoops. Um thanks tsukki." My voice is awkward as I try to collect myself from the embarrassing slip.

"Yeah, be careful." He says plainly.
I turn back around to go get the ball I missed (and to hide the blush creeping up my neck) only to see suga giving me a weird look.

"I'm ok." I try to reassure him but his unreadable look doesn't budge from his face.

"Yeah I'm sure you are." He answers with a wink. I give him a confused look in return, but he just turns away and goes back to talking with dachi about a training camp coming up in the next few weeks.

I continue with practicing my serves but I don't really get any better. All I can think about is what suga said.

"Yeah I'm sure you are." I keep repeating the words in my head, driving myself crazy.

What dose that mean? Oh no! Dose he know I like tsukki! And what was that wink! Panic was begging to set in.

No I'm sure that's not it. That can't be it. Suga is very good at reading people but it's not like I'm wearing a sign that reads 'I like tsukki'

I was snapped out of my spiraling thoughts by dachi yelling at us to clean up and get to today's classes.

I meet up with tsukki after I get changed into my uniform and we walk together until we have to go down different hallways to class.

"Yeah I'm sure you are"

Ii can't get the words off my mind


Ok that's the first chapter! I know this one was bad but it gets better. I will try to make the chapters longer for you guys too. Well till next time my little duckies🐤🐤🐤

Confusing feelings  - yamaguchi x tsukishima Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ