Chapter 1

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It was black for a moment,suddenly lights shined everywhere and music played.I could hear children playing and running about,some came close to me others stayed seated.I looked around the room,there was tables everywhere and a gift shop to the left coner of the room.Somebody came into the room wearing a purple uniform and had three children behind him.He had walked up to this child,a little girl with blonde hair and bright green eyes she wore a black dress and had black ears on that she probably got from the gift shop.She followed him out the room with the other children,I didn't remember much but I could hear a girl screaming coming from another room.Nobody seem to notice the noise over the chears and laughter,people slowly left the room one by one till there was no one left.The lights turned off and I stopes moving,the same man from earlier walked into the room and climbed up and stared at me.He pressed a button on my neck and my stomach opened,it felt like he had put something inside as soon as he did I felt like I had just woke up from a long sleep.He slowly backed out the room and looked at me one last time before turning to coner.

Pipers POV
Children ran about laughing and playing.I stayed seated and ate my pizza,I man has walked into the room wearing a purple uniform,there were three kids standing where he had just walked from.He looked around the room and came over to me,he sat down and smiled."I see you like Rose."I read his name tag *William Afton head of security*. "Oh yes she is so cute and amazing."The man smiled at me."Well I have gone around to find four children to come and try on new merch.I already have three for Lewis,Foxgirl and Haryda and you seem to be perfect for Rose.So do you want to come?"I smiled in joy,I couldn't think of something more amazing."Of course I would love too!"William stood up and walked out the room I followed him."Hey Piper!"I look behind me and muskan was standing there."Hey Muskan I didn't know you were here."She quickly cane over to me,she had black hair in a ponytail and was wearing a pink top with a purple skirt with a Foxgirl pushy in hand."Here I got you something."She pulled a Rose the wolf plush out of her bag."I know it's not your birthday but I can't make it to your party next week I have to go to my grandparents."I took the teddy out of her hand and smiled."It's fine.Anyways how are you any new information about the robots?"She smiled mischievously at me."It's turns out that Rose and Foxgirl where made on the same day out of the same materials so some of rhe workers say they are sisters."Wow the our two favourite robots were made out of the same materials!?This was really amazing as me and muskan where like sisters and the two robots we love are basically sisters!!!!Willaim turned into a room,me and the others walk in."Piper,Muskan!"Shouted both of them."Mark,Hadia!"Me and Muskan Shouted back at them.What was the chances all of us would be showing off merch for our favourite robots.William walked over to the door and closed it then walked over to us and pulled out a KNIFE!?!?!?!?!We all quickly ran to get away but Willaim was to fast and ended up getting Hadia.He quickly moved and got Mark and Muskan,he slashed forward and I just got out the way I stated to panic and did the first thing that came to mind.I life's my leg up and aimed at his whatever was there like dad taught me.He dropped the knife and I quickly ran to the door trying to get it open.I must have been to slow as I felt him pull me back and he wispered in my ear."Your gonna pay for that."He grabbed me and chucked me to the floor before slashing my neck.I scream and coughted for a second but then there was black and nothing else.

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