Mick Thomson Hates Photos

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Micks POV
"Smile." Stacy begged you.
You shook your head and crossed your arms over your chest.
"No, I hate photos." You said.
"Come on, we came all the way here, just one photo." Stacy continued to beg.
You shook your head again. You hated going out a lot, but traveling was the one exception. This time you found yourself in front of some ruins. Stacy frowned a little.
"Come on Mick." Stacy pleaded." Can I have at least one photo of you smiling?"
You thought about all of the other vacation photos. Whether you were standing in front of the grand canyon or the great pyramids you were always frowning. Stacy looked slightly annoyed and then shrugged her shoulders.
"I guess I'll just have to take what I can get." Stacy said.
Stacy held up her camera and snapped a picture. You were standing in front of some ancient ruins with a "my god can beat up your god" shirt on. You smiled at the photo. You really didn't like photos but also at the same time you were messing with Stacy.
"I guess it's another one for the photo book." Stacy said a little defeated.
You patted her on the back.
"It's ok, the last photo you ever take of me I'll be smiling." You promised her.
"That's pretty morbid." Stacy pointed out.
"I know." You replied happily.
Stacy looked at you with a little concern. You gave her a slight grin and she smiled in return.
You'll see, you thought to yourself.

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