Cafe Experience

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When school had finally ended for the day, you and Mina headed to the local cafe to work on the project a bit more. While you were walking, Mina spoke. "So about that crush I have," She mentioned. You gestured for her to continue. "She's pretty, smart, and kind. I'm just afraid that she is straight, you know." Mina explained. Your heart hurt a little but you smiled. 

"I would just approach them and tell them how I felt." You suggested.

Mina kept quiet for approximately five seconds before she spoke once more, but this time it was in the form of a question. "Y/n, what is your preference with gender?" Mina questioned. You stuttered out your honest answer. Mina smiled widely and gave you a side hug. You arrived at the cafe. It smelled like cinnamon and its coffee has just been brewed.

"It smells great in here!" Mina exclaimed. You chuckled, and she turned to you. "What's so funny?" The female questioned. 

"You're just so cute, Mina." You responded. Once you had processed what you had just said, you turned red like a cherry and Mina did the same.

"Sorry.." You mumbled. 

"Don't worry about it!" Mina responded before grabbing your hand. Your heart was now beating out of your chest. Unaware to you, Mina's was. You two sat down and pulled out the supplies needed.

"Alright, I think that we should write the rough draft. What about you?" You asked. 

"I think we should type the presentation then edit it later, then we would have more free time," Mina suggested. You chuckled and nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." 

As you two continued to work on your project, the words of the baristas caught your attention. Pretending that you were invested in your work, you carefully listened to the conversation that they were having. "They look so cute together, do you think they're a couple?" A female barista asked to another. 

"I don't know, but I seriously hope so." The other barista responded. Your cheeks heated up slightly.

After a minute of this, a waiter approached your table. "Hello, what can I get you ladies today?" He questioned. 

"Can we get a minute to decide?" You questioned. The waiter smiled and walked away. 

"What do you want, Mina? I've heard that they have a rainbow coffee to celebrate pride month." You informed. Mina's eyes shone with excitement. 

"Let's get that one! It sounds great!" Mina exclaimed. 

You smiled and called the waiter over. "Can we get two rainbow coffees please?" You asked. The waiter smiled and pulled out a notepad. 

"We also have a discount on ice cream milkshakes for couples, would you like that one as well? They come with two spoons." The waiter informed. You blushed at the thought that they thought you and Mina were a couple. While it wouldn't be a bad thing, wait, what were you thinking?

"We'll take that one as well." Mina's voice spoke. The waiter and some of the baristas smiled and the waiter walked away, going to get the things that you had ordered. Mina turned to you and still saw you blushing profusely. What was going through your head? "You alright, Y/n?" Mina questioned.

You snapped out of it and smiled. "Don't worry about it. Just thinking about something." You reassured. The waiter soon returned with the items and set them down on the table. "Enjoy your food, ladies." 

"Thank you, have a nice day!" Mina told him. The waiter returned to the back of the shop and you two ate the delicious milkshake, with the occasional blush.

A/N: I need that rainbow coffee in my life.

Rosy Hearts: Mina Ashido x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now