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'I can't believe this guy!' She huffed and petted the plant on the desk. 'Don't worry baby, I'll take care of you.'

'Talking to the plants like a lunatic again?'

Victor was standing behind her. She spun around and knocked the coffee cup from his hand with her head. His shirt got drenched in coffee and the glass cup shattered to pieces on his desk.

'Ouch!' She staggered back.


'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!' She began to soak up the coffee from his desk with her sleeve. 'I'll clean it up!'

'Don't touch anything!' He barked at her.

She flinched. Victor took a good look at her. She had no visible injury but her face was pale and she kept squinting as if the light was hurting her eyes.

'I'm really sorry! I'll buy you a new shirt.'

'You can go now.'

'I'm sorry...' She muttered in a fading voice and ran out.

'Great. It's all over my phone too.' He sighed.

He was picking up glass shards when he heard a commotion outside. He stepped out to check what was going on and he saw a group of people gathering in the hallway. Goldman was kneeling on the floor holding the girl in his arms. She was unconscious.

'What happened?' He hurried over to them.

'She ran out from your office, crying and then collapsed, sir.'

'Call an ambulance already for god's sake!'

'Yes, boss!'

Victor knew it was his fault. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to his office. He laid her down on the sofa.

'Hey, wake up!' He patted her face. Her skin was awfully cold and clammy.

Her eyelashes quivered. She furrowed her eyebrows and whimpered. She was clearly in great pain.

Suddenly, her eyes popped open. 'I'm gonna throw up!'


She nodded in panic.

Victor grabbed the bin and as soon as he put it down, she bent over and threw up. He was really worried now. He gave her a tissue and a glass of water. She lifted the glass to her lips but her hands were shaking too much and the glass clang to her teeth. Victor helped her drink. She drank slowly but she barely swallowed when she threw up again. And again. Completely worn out, she tried to push herself up to sit but she tumbled against Victor's chest. She was drenched in cold sweat.

'The ambulance is coming. Just hold on, okay?' Victor brushed her hair out of her face.

He gently laid her down and she curled up in a spasm, clenching her jaw and her fists. Her breaths came in heaving gasps and she was trembling uncontrollably. It was a terrifying sight and he didn't know what to do. Finally, the ambulance arrived.

'What took so long? She could have died already.' He grumbled. 'She hit her head earlier. She fainted and vomited several times. I think she has a concussion.'

The doctor rushed past Victor, completely ignoring him. Victor was not used to being brushed aside. He was genuinely surprised. He just stood there dumbfounded.

'Miss, can you hear me?' The doctor patted her face.

She whimpered and slowly nodded.

The doctor began to examine her right away. 'Pulse: 52 bpm. Blood pressure: 96/70.'

Mr. Love Queen's Choice: Time Stands Still In Your ArmsWhere stories live. Discover now