Chapter 4

365 18 3

Adam POV

Why did I play with his hair? Why did I put my arms around his shoulders? Although the blush that crept onto his face was adorable. I drive Chilled and I to McDonald's, we talk about lots of random stuff on the way and avoid the subject of Kathy for a bit. When we get to McDonald's we go inside and order our food, then sit down at a table. Chilled and I reach for our food at the same time, when our hands touch. I look up to see Chilled staring back at me, then I look back down feeling a slight blush on my face. I hear my phone ring and quickly pull my hand away from Chilled's, grabbing the annoying object in my pocket and answering it without looking to see who it is.

"Hello?" I say, hearing the annoyance in my voice.

"Adam? Where ARE you?! We're supposed to go out and eat dinner!" I hear Kathy somewhat yell in my ear, then I remember what had happened when I was talking to her.

She had been really upset, and we had talked for a while. She accused me of having a crush on Anthony, but I don't, we're just friends. Then we had an argument about me playing games all the time and not spending time with her. So, after all the arguing calmed down a little I told her I would take her out to eat. I got so distracted wanting to hang out with Chilled, and his amazing smile, ugh! Stop it Adam! I do NOT like Chilled!

"Yeah, Kathy, I know. I was letting Chilled eat before we left so he didn't have to be disappointed by our fridge almost being empty." I say jokingly, hoping she could stop fighting with me.
I hear a small sigh from the other end of the phone and a quick "Alright." Then she hangs up.

I put the phone back in my pocket and pick up my burger, avoiding looking at Chilled and his gorgeous eyes. I stop thinking as I notice Chilled looking at me weird. I look down and see that I basically murdered my burger in my hands. I drop the mangled clump of meat, bread, and ketchup and wipe my hands off with a napkin. I wipe it all off, but my hands smell like ketchup now, so I stand and tell Chilled I'll be right back.

I enter the bathroom, washing my hands thoroughly and thinking of what's going to happen at dinner. I let my thoughts wander and they focus on Chilled and his beautiful eyes, and his bright, alluring smile, his laugh, his voice. I jump as I feel hot water burn my hands. I look at the sink and turn it off, then get a paper towel, drying my hands.

I reach the table Chilled and I were at and see a woman there sitting across from Chilled, flirting with him. I feel my anger rise and walk over to the table, trying to stay calm.
"Chilled, we gotta go." Chilled looks up at me and nods, then politely excuses himself from the woman. We walk to the car and get in, me driving. I drive towards the direction my house is in, trying not to think and let it lead to Chilled. I see him look at me frequently out of the corner of my eye, but grip the steering wheel tightly. I do not like Chilled. I do not have a crush on him.

We arrive at my house a few minutes later and get out of the car. Chilled heads inside, but I stay by the car realizing something. I place my head against the cool car window, breathing deep. I mumble what has been true this whole time.
"I.... I like you, Chilled."

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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