Chapter 2

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Please go tell Kaylani how good this chapter was!!!


Adam POV:

We finally get to my house and I jump out of the car ready to hang out with my best friend. I see Kathy slowly get out and shoot me an evil look. I put my hands up jokingly and give her one of my big goofy grins. I see Anthony get out of the car and see the wind blow his hair, messing it up.
I love his hair, he always makes it looks so... perfect.
I get snapped out of my thoughts by Kathy clearing her throat.
"Well, Anthony.. We have a guest bedroom you can use, let me show you where it is." Kathy says, then walks towards the house, Anthony close behind her. I close the drivers side door and let out a sigh. Kathy hasn't been talking to me for a while.. I wonder if she's okay.
I walk inside my front door and hear Kathy's voice down the hall. She's showing Anthony his room and where the bathroom is. I walk to my kitchen and get a glass of water, then I chug the water, realizing how thirsty I am. I get me another glass full of water and stare out the window in front of my sink and then..

I spit some of my water out all over the window and choke on the rest.
"Je- Jesus... Why the fu-.... Dammit Chilled..." I try to talk but it comes out strangled. I turn around to face a smirking Anthony and an annoyed Kathy. I feel myself smile, even though I almost choked it was pretty funny. I start to laugh and Anthony joins in. We laugh for a good five minutes, cracking up every time we looked at each other, then we finally stop. I look up at Kathy and see her walk away, looking pissed. She walks to our room and slams the door, making a few picture hanging in the hallway fall off the wall and the glass shatter. I let out a loud sigh and get the broom and dustpan and start to clean up the glass. I finally get it all up with Anthony's help as he carefully picks up the big pieces of glass with his hands.
"Sorry I made you spit water everywhere." Anthony says, rubbing the back of his neck. I give him a smile and put my hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay Chilled. It was funny." Anthony sighs and shakes his head.
"I think I made Kathy mad... I'm sorry." He says and looks at me with a sad face.
"It's alright Anthony. I'll tell her you're sorry, okay?" Anthony nods and then tells me he's going to make a video for YouTube with Gassy and them. I tell him I'll join in when I get done talking to Kathy. I head to me and Kathy's room and prepare myself, because knowing her, she's pissed beyond belief.

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