Part 24:Madison

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Madison's POV

I grew up in a troublesome family

I had a mother and father

both in their 40-ies

They are 50 now

pretty old

I know

She had my oldest siblings

when they were 15

don't ask

I had older siblings

3 of them

My oldest sibling

is my now-35-brother named Marcoo

Then my older-younger sibling

 is now-35-year old sister

Her name Is Susan

She is younger by 2 minutes

Her and Marcoo are twins

Then my other sibling sibling

Is now-25-brother named Kyle

And last but not least


I am 20 now

My father died in the war

I am not sure which one

It was a hard time for everyone

I was 5

at the time

The twins were 20 and kyle was 10

I was 5 at the time

My mother was mostly okay

She fell into depression

Then Marcoo went

to army

So he wasn't home

My mom just

like she wasn't there

She stopped talking to us

She would go to work

And go straight to her room

Not talking to us

But she still took care of us

She made us food

Had 3 jobs

Played with us

Bought us toys

and stuff

I loved her

My older brother

Had a good idea

He was very smart

He was really tall

And He liked basketball

He trained since 


He was the captain of the school basketball team

He is in NBC now (i made him up,it ain't true,okay)

My sister


She is 35 now

when she was like 15

She has a really smooth skin

One more chance (Skeppy x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora