Chapter 1

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Isaaq's POV:

"Lighten up Isaaq, things will turn out ok. Don't you worry", the woman sitting next to me was my aunt, my father's younger sister, at the moment she was the only family I could really open up to.

She tried her so much to comfort me but we both knew it wasn't working. I gave off a light smile to let her feel I was relaxed but deep down I was down and really depressed. I turned to look out the window, the buildings moved linearly at a very slow pace as we drove pass them. I soon noticed the car driving beside us from behind.
It was an old Toyota Camry that appeared to have run for far longer  than she was supposed to. The body of the vehicle had a lot of dent on it and the break lights barely worked.
The owner must be very reckless.

I soon grew bore of looking out the window I turned to face the front, noticing Lewis, the driver's new haircut.
Damn was he looking as Bald as ever.
I chuckled a little and my Aunt couldn't help but notice

"Awn, you look so cute when you're smiling"
I immediately switched back to my initial gloomy face in response to her comment, she scoffs and gets back on her phone.

"Are we there yet?", I ask impatiently.

She taps me on the shoulder, "No, but almost" she then turns to Lewis, "How much farther exactly?"

"Ma'am I believe we've reached out destination".

Finally we arrived, it took a while but we were eventually able to find a parking spot. The whole place was flooded with people, I've never been to a crowded place before so I felt a little nervous.

My aunt tapped me on the shoulder again,"Hey, you don't have to be shy. It'll be alright", she takes my hand and pats the back slightly.

I sigh a little and shake her hands off me. "I'm fine aunty".
I take my backpack and get off the limo almost immediately.

"You have to go to the the principal's office first and remember be nice. They're people not monsters and neither are they a bunch of lowlifes willing to do your every whimp for a little change".

"Really aunty?"

She gets out and hugs me tightly,"I know you'll be alright I'm just being over protective right now", she let's go of me.

  I have parents, wait, I used to have parents but my mum died years ago when I was still a kid and my dad rejected me few years after her death. My Aunt is the only one I have right now as a guardian. From my behavior it would seem I didn't care but I'm forever grateful to her for taking me in.

"Thanks mum", I tease while she places her hands on my face, hopefully she wasn't going to pinch my cheeks again.

"You're just so adorable, I love you so much"
I swear she was seconds away from ripping the skin off my goddamn face.

I smiled a bit but I wasn't fooling anyone, atleast not her, she could tell I was still very sad.

"Aunty, why does dad hate me so much?"

"Your father doesn't hate you, sweety", she combs my hair back with her hands and brushes my brows with her thumbs. "He's just confused, he ...he doesn't really know how to handle these sort of things"

"And kicking me out was his best option?"

"Sweetie, you'll be late for class. Now get going", she pecks my forehead and just when I wasn't expecting. She pinched and pulled on my cheeks.

"Fuck! Woman that hurts", I cried in pain. I fucking knew she was going to do that, I totally let my guard down.

"Ok, goodbye. We'll come pick you up later. Now get"

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