Chapter 3

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Alissa's POV:
He remained quiet for the rest of the trip, he was greatly disturbed, I tried to cheer him up but he'd always quick to switch back to his gloomy self almost immediately which was not healthy, especially for the heir to the Keith's Industries and the future head of the  Keith family, I hope.

  My older brother, that douche how dare he throw away his only son, his rightful heir just because he's a little different. That's not enough excuse to have him thrown out and treated like shit.
Took a while but we finally arrived at his school, he got out of the car and was heading for the entrance, he didn't even bother to turn back to wave goodbye.

I sigh a little and rest back properly on the seats

"Where to ma'am?", Our driver Lewis asks adjusting the rear-view mirror.

"Keith Industries, I have something to discuss with my dear brother"

"Okay ma'am", he adjusts what appeared to be hair on the part of his head that had always been bald, I was shocked
How is this possible? I could have sworn he was bald like ... yesterday

"Lewis are you wearing a wig?"

"M-M-ma'am...?!", He stuttered and hit the brakes

I laughed so hard I could feel my stomach ache, "it's alright Lewis, it looks good on you. Let's go".
Then we were off, off to Keith's industries

Isaaq's POV:

I was on my way to class then I saw a familiar figure running towards me, I couldn't quite place the face, I dimmed my eyes a little as I tried to recall. The figure came closer and it was that girl from my Commerce and Entrepreneurship classes, Stephanie.

What the hell does she want this time ?

She attempted to hug me but i refused, I'm not ready to be caught all cute and cuddly with anyone in this dreaded school and definitely not with a girl.
You must've probably noticed it  already but girls don't really pick my interest, for some reason I don't find boobs attractive.

She tried to engage me in another one of her boring conversations but I declined, I walked pass her and  continued heading for class. It was almost time for my math class and after that I had accounting.
I really wasn't in the mood for anything that would piss me off, I was depressed enough already.

"Hey, don't just walk away like that you jerk!", I heard her yell from behind me but her words meant nothing to me.

I was a few feet away from my class then I heard random foots steps, they got louder and louder as I kept moving with my head down.
I looked up and saw another figure running towards me.

"Hey slow down!"

He ran into me and we both took a delightful trip to the floor.

"Ouch", I groaned and the figure fell on top of me. I really need to start walking around with glasses on.

"Jeez I'm so sorry are you alright?"

I looked up and saw the person that had just bumped into me,"Get off me",

"Sorry I didn't mean to", he got off and crouched a bit helping me sit up "Are you hurt?"

I sat up rubbing my head before finally getting a glimpse of the person talking to me. It was a guy!

"I- I'm - uh ...I'm fine", I looked away as my cheeks burned red faintly, what the fuck was going on?

I got up immediately and dusted myself,"Don't worry about me I'm fine " I walked hurriedly into my class.

I went straight to my seat with my head on the desk, replaying all that just happened.
I know I liked guys but why did it have to be one of these lowlifes?

He fell on me, our bodies touched..I burned red and my heart beat was so fast I felt like I'd just ran a thousand miles.

Moments later our maths teacher came in and began to teach on statistics,he mentioned something about us  taking it as a course next year but I wasn't really paying attention. I tried but I honestly couldn't, the kid that ran into me a while ago was still on my mind. He's eyes were so gorgeous, narrowed but still sparkly, his lips looked so soft and delicate, his hair was a little long and messy but it only added to his beauty. For long I wondered who he was and if I'd ever see him again.

Lunch time, I headed to the school garden and sat on one of the benches, I needed to cool off. Thoughts bout my father came to me again and I was really depressed.
I gazed into the distance and processing alot about my life, what if I was normal? Maybe then I could have a father, and he'd finally accept me and we could be one big family. But I don't like girls, to be alot clearer girls disgust me. I can't help it if I feel nothing around them, not but the intense feeling of disgust.
"Why won't father accept me?"

Why am I thinking about this ?
It's all so depressing, I feel like a fucking sadist. I really need to learn how to let things go, I have my whole life ahead of me and I'll gain nothing if I keep pondering so much on matters of the past.

I need to start planning for my future, ah yes that's a better idea . After seemingly consoling myself I got on my feet and decided to leave then I heard a familiar voice coming from the green house I turned and saw him. The kid from before.

He was tendering to the flowers with some girls standing next to him.

"Oh my you're really good at this "

"Thanks, I practice"

They seemed like they were having alot of fun. And it bugged me alot, the way the girls were all over him. He was normal I guess, would dad accept me if I was more like him? Why am I thinking about this again?!

I was arguing and beating myself up but got interrupted by the laughter coming from the greenhouse. They seemed to be having alot of fun.

"Tch, fucking annoying bastards" I left in anger but why was I angry though? I didn't really have a reason but I was mad. I couldn't help but loathe every single one of them.


Finally school was over and I went to the usual parking spot Lewis grew fond of, and as usual he was there but my aunt wasn't with him.

"Where's she? "

"Your aunt went over to your dad's then from there she went to drink at the family hotel"

That crazy woman, what the hell is she up to this time?

"Whatever let's go", i got in the limo and we were off.

I was lost in thoughts again and looking out the window when my eyes caught with that familiar  face again, he seemed to be alone this time and was on his was home I guess.

"Stop the car"

"Huh!", Lewis was in shock but he eventually stopped the car

"Um master?" He turned to me but before he could say anything I gave him a death glare. He quickly understood and minded his business.

I looked out the window and for some reason I couldn't see him anymore ....where in the world did he go?
I looked back and forth in search for him but he was out of sight, he must have taken a turn somewhere or probably entered one of the buildings around.

I sighed a little and turned to face Lewis, "Let's go"

Lewis still not sure of what had just happened, of course he was curious but he dared not ask if he knew what was good for him.

What is wrong with me? I wondered, why did I order Lewis to stop the car? What exactly was I intending to do?

My mind was clouded with thoughts it was official, I was indeed losing it.

A/N: Hey! I hope it's not too cliche. This chapter isn't as long as the previous. I'm sorry, but I hope it was ok. Bai ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ

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