Girls, Girls, You're both Pretty

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Professor McGonagall's eyes looked towards the book that Maxima was reading and she suddenly felt panicky, would she take the book away? but it was so interesting. Maxima tightened her fingers around the book infinitesimally. The professor looked at Maxima and she could instantly tell she wouldn't do such a thing. Professor McGonagall was fair.

"Well, In the transfiguration process, it is something that is done temporarily and with the help of a wand, while becoming an Animagus is a learnt skill and can be done without a wand. If you continue reading and reach Chapter 4, you will read more about it."

"Ah," said Maxima, "I took this book from that shelf. Do you thin-" 

Maxima was stopped mid-sentence by the green flames of Floo and out tumbled Harry James Potter and Maxima forgot her own name, damn it Maxima, she thought. Maxima took a breath in and stepped forward to lend a hand. She could hear him grumbling about 'Stupid floos' and Maxima cracked a half-grin as she huffed out a silent laugh. 

"You okay?"

Harry looked up and saw Maxima's outstretched hand and grasped it to pull himself upright. "Yeah, fine."

Maxima quickly let go and folded her hands in front of her. The flames roared once more and Maxima looked behind Harry. And out-stepped Sirius 'Dog-Father' Black, of course, Dumbles was there too but she focused on Sirius. She gave a jaunty wave despite the hidden nerves and got one in return.

Soon after everyone was seated, Sirius spoke up. "So Albus, what have you brought us here for?"

Maxima's eyes went wide, did he not tell them? She thought. She looked towards Dumbledore to see he was smiling serenely and had a twinkle in his eye. Maxima let out a small sigh as Dumbledore gestured to her. 

Maxima interlocked her fingers as she looked towards the wall, what was she to do? Why was Dumbledore gesturing to her? Maxima swallowed the thick knot in her throat. "Hello, My name is Maxima King and this," she gestured to Poseidon who was cosying up to Harry, "is Poseidon. I have some information that I know would be helpful. But first I think, Professor Dumbledore needs to tell all of you about the Prophecy."

Professor Dumbledore inclined his head, "Indeed. There is a prophecy about Tom Riddle and one other."

Harry felt like bursting, what was this prophecy and how did this girl get here? If she knew why didn't she come forward sooner? Sirius spoke up, "Now hold on, Albus if this girl knew important information why didn't she come forward sooner? And how do we know she isn't a spy?"

Maxima felt herself droop a little. She expected that. She did, but it still kinda hurt. Professor Snape, though, spoke out in her defence. "I understand that it might be outside your capabilities of understanding but if there was a threat, I think we would have the headmaster might have taken care of it."

Sirius barked out a laugh, "Oh is that so Snivellus?"

Snape snapped at Sirius, "Oh do grow up, mutt."

"I would say Pot calling Kettle Black! But you're just a greasy cauldron!"

Maxima saw Professor McGonagall roll her eyes and Harry's eyes bouncing like a tennis ball. Maxima, herself rolled her eyes, examined her nails and thought 'Girls, Girls, You're both pretty'.  She would have continued her examination but she heard nothing. Did they stop? She looked up and saw Professor McGonagall smirking, Harry's jaw was dropped and Dumbledore was hiding his smile. Professor Snape and Sirius seemed to be in various stages of shock. 

"What?" Maxima asked. Did something happen? Wait, Maxima thought suddenly, "Wait, Did I say something?"

Harry nodded dumbly. Ah, Maxima thought. She cleared her throat, "Well, at least the bickering stopped." Professor Dumbledore continues and showcased the Prophecy and explained the fact that Tom had Horcruxes. Harry was as shocked in the books. 

Harry's hand were shaking and Poseidon butted his hand. He immediately started Poseidon, he looked...tired. "And, there are seven Horcruxes?" he asked. He looked like he was on the edge of losing hope.

Maxima smiled gently, "Yeah but I know where they are. All of them. Most of them can be destroyed pretty easily by Fiendfyre, Basilisk Fangs or the Sword of Godric Gryffindor.  All we need to do is get one, the lost diadem of Ravenclaw, out of the Room of Requirement, one, the cup of Hufflepuff, out of Lestrange's vault which Sirius can access, one, the Gaunt family ring, out of the Gaunt house, one, the Slytherin Locket, out of a hidden cave."

Professor Snape narrowed his eyes, "That's four."

Maxima nodded, "One is his snake, Nagini, One is his previously destroyed Diary."

Professor McGonagall looked sternly at Maxima and she gulped. "Would you believe me if I told you I can't tell you about the last one yet?"

Maxima was shocked, everyone was nodding. Well, giving out different forms of ascents but still. Maxima smiled slightly. 

Professor Dumbledore put his fingers together, "Well then Ms King, how do we get the four Horcruxes that you mentioned?"

Maxima smiled confidently, this...this is what she had always imagined. She had imagined ways to destroy Horcruxes in such a way that Harry and the others did not have to bear the burden. And that is what she shall perfect. "Well Professor..."


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Laugh Loud and Be Proud!

Word Count: 1465 words

Inked In | A HP fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن