"Aw, don't worry baby." Even in this light I can see the redness in his cheeks. "It's really cute."

Harry is still pouting so I peck his lips. When I pull away one of his famous dimpled smiles graces his face. Then he snuggles into my arms. I giggle softly, wrapping and arm around his waist.

"You two are very touchy." Zayn remarks.

I look up to see him smirking, leaning into Liams chest arms wrapped around his middle.

"And so are you and Liam." My comment makes the two of them blush.

"Oh look at that blush." Niall comments, awing.

"Shut up." Zayn grumbles embarassed. Then proceeds to throw a pillow at Niall's head.

When the laughter dies down I speak again genuinely curious.

"So what is going on with you two?" I raise an eyebrow at the two of them.

Zayn looks back at Liam is if the ask him the same thing. Liam starts stuttering, looking for the right words.

"We are- I mean, I think uh- we are just... having fun?" It sounds more like a question rather than an answer. 

Niall snorts. "I'm sure you are."

This time when a pillow hits Naill in the face it's Liam who threw it.

- - - - - - -

Over the course of the evening we get more and more drunk. I think that we are all at the super deep and reflective stage of our drunkness.

"So," I ask all the boys, including Harry. "what is your least favourite thing about being famous?"

They are all quiet for a minutes, I take a sip of my beer before setting down the empty bottle on the table.

"People treating you differently." Liam says finally.  Everyone mummers in agreement.

"People being nosy or disrespectful towards people I know." Zayn adds.

"That's a big one." Niall agrees.

Everyone looks at Harry expecting him to say something. He sighs before speaking.

"Having to lie or watch what you say in interviews to avoid 'suspicion'." He says, making air quotes.

Everyone just nods, not really sure what to say. I hold him closer.

"Being labeled as a manwhore and womanizer from the age of 16." Harry continues, chuckling humourlessly.

Liam speaks up again, looking at me. "Basically people not knowing you but thinking they do because they know who you are or because you're 'famous'." It gets quiet for a moment.

"When you put it like that is sounds awful." I chuckle, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere. It seems to works becuase they are all chuckling.

"It has its moments." Zayn says. "But then other times it incredible."

"Sometimes you can actually see that you are making people life's better." Liam adds, smiling.

It get's quiet again.

"Do you guys remember that girl, Amy, at one of our meet and greets," Harry starts. "with the..." He gestures to his forearms. The boys all nod.

"I remember she told us that we saved her life." Niall says quietly.

It is completely silent in the room, if someone where to walk in the would think we were playing a game ghost-town.

"That's the best part of this." Harry says, turning his head to look up at me. I can see the brightness in his eyes again. "Knowing that to someone out there we are their reason to keep living. We are the reason they don't feel so alone."

Harry and I are sharing a look. We all know they were part of my reason. We are having a silent conversation with our eyes, telling each other we will always be here for each other.

He smiles slightly at me and I pull him in for a gentle kiss.

And of course Zayn ruins the moment. "Aww, you guys are so cute it disgusting."

Harry and I start laughing into the kiss and we have to pull away.

"Oi leave them be," Niall says in our defence. "We don't say anything when you and Liam are all over each other."

Liam and Zayn are blushing again and that just makes us laugh even harder.

Eeventually, after more drinking and coming to the giggly stage, we find our way to the dance floor. We are all drunk and dancing together.

It's more like Harry and I are dancing together while Liam and Zayn dance together. Niall is just kind of in the middle making it look like we are all a group. He doesn't seem to mind though.

At one point Harry starts grinding into my ass, which is very much appreciated. I turn around to look at him, seeing his eyes droopy and lustful.

He looks at my lips and I can tell that he is definitely drunk enough to start kissing me in the middle of this club.

I whisper to Niall that we are going back to the room. He nods giving me a little smirk.

I take Harry's arm into my hand and pull him with me in the direction of the room.

He pushes me onto the couch when we get inside and the door is closed. He climbs into my lap, straddling my hips and kissing me.

Both of our hands roam each other's bodies as we make out hotly. We both keep smiling and giggling because we are so drunk.

We do this for a little while before someone knocks on the door. Harry grumbles pulling away. I giggle and peck his lips once more, making him smile.

When he opens the door we expect to the see the other lads pushing through to come inside. Instead it's Paul.

"Come one we need to head out." He says sternly.

"Is something wrong?" I stand up.

"Only a little, fans found your location and are outside, we should leave before it gets to bad." He says holding the door open for us.

"Oh okay," Harry sounds a little disappointed.

"Don't be upset baby," I whisper in his ear. "we'll have plenty of time to continue once we get back to your place."

He grins, kissing me again before following Paul through the club.

When we get out side there are lots of fans, crowed around the exit. I am a little scared if I am being honest.

Harry seems to notice and wraps and arm around me.

"Don't worry angel, I've got you." He whispers.

I give him a grateful smile, and we let Paul lead us outside.

"Oh my god it's Louis and Harry!!"

"Larry is real!!"

"Harry! Harry! Can you sign this for me?"

"They look so cute together!"

They are all yelling, Paul is able to keep most of them off us, but a few are grabbing at us.

I don't feel completely at ease until we are in the car and I am wrapped in Harry's arms.

He is whispering sweet words into my ear, which makes me smile.

He pulls me to his chest, kissing my temple before whispering in my ear again. "Are you okay angel?"

I fell warm and safe when I hear him ask.

"Yes," I mumble. "I feel safe when I'm with you."

Hello again, sorry for being MIA for a few days.

I had a bit of writers block and needed to get my ideas flowing again before I could write more.


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