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Inside Salem's meeting room, Cinder and Salem sit alone at the table. Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai wait by the door. Cinder is breathing heavily with effort while Salem has her right hand casually held out.
"Do you feel it? Don't fight it, girl. It can sense your trepidation. You must make it dread you."

A soft clicking sound makes Cinder turn toward the door. Suneel walks into the room as a jellyfish-based Grimm with long red tentacles, and a black and white body follows behind. Emerald and Mercury react fearfully to the Grimm and pull back as it enters. It glides its way over to Salem at the head of the table. Once the Seer Grimm reaches her side, she leans closer to it. After a moment, she puts her hands together. Suneel stands behind Cinder, "Cinder, I am going to ask you this one more time, and I expect a clear answer. Did you kill Ozpin?"

Cinder holds her arm out, about to call Emerald over to speak for her. Salem slams both hands onto the table, eyes glowing as she speaks. "No!" Cinder lowers her arm, as Salem demand, "I want to hear you say it."

Cinder's voice rasps a few times first before speaking, hoarsely, "Yes."

Salem looks at her for a long moment before speaking at the Seer Grimm, "Reinforce our numbers at Beacon. The Relic is there. As long as Saint doesn't return to Vale, that Relic is ours." The Seer Grimm glides away. At the door, Emerald and Mercury draw away from it just as they did before. Salem turns her head thoughtfully, looking in the direction away from Cinder and bringing her fingers to her chin, "What are you planning, Saint? When will you show your true self?"


Into a barn, our farm boy walks around with a pitchfork in hand, which has loose bits of hay strung about the floor. He passes a sink with a mirror behind it, and Something makes him pause and take a closer look. He sees his own reflection and lifts a lock of his hair as if expecting Something different. He leans forward and examines the mirror more closely, "Hello?"

Just as Oscar is about to back away, a voice booms out, sending him crashing backward, "Hello! I'm Professor Ozpin!"

Oscar looks up at the sink and mirror from the floor of the barn, breathing heavily. Oscar gasp as an image of a woman with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair appeared before him.
He could feel his heart beating quickly, Something that was very new yet it felt so familiar, "(Y/n-"
The vision disappeared as from outside the barn, a woman's voice calls out, "Oscar? You be careful with those tools!" Oscar quickly got back to his feet and muttered, "Who was she?"


Yang awakens with a gasp from her nightmare. The robotic arm given to her by Ironwood rests on her bedside table, out of the box. Yang looks at it for a moment before turning her face away. She hears laughter coming from downstairs. Yang heads downstairs to discover Professors Bartholomew Oobleck and Peter Port sitting at her kitchen table and laughing with her father, Taiyang Xiao Long. "And, and, and then, in comes Qrow, wearing a skirt! I was just a TA, I-I didn't know what to do, so I just... I just left the room to laugh!"

Yang comes to the kitchen door while the three laugh. "We told him it was a kilt! He'd never worn a uniform before, so he didn't know!"
"That is terrible! What is wrong with you!?"
"Hey! The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! Besides, that's not even the best part! See, then we-"

Port puts his right leg on the tabletop, cutting off Taiyang. "Like what you see?"

The three laugh, and Port loses his balance. He tries to save himself from falling, but ends up on the floor, "Whoa-oh!"

There's even more laughter. Taiyang claps from entertainment, and Port joins in the hilarity from the floor. Yang giggles, too, covering her mouth, but the three teachers become alerted to her presence. Oobleck stands while Port gets up off the floor, "Oh, uh, Miss Xiao Long! Uh, please, join us."

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