Chapter 10, Disciples

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Zelda, Ambrose and Prudence were hanging horseshoes everywhere, and asking everyone to eat onions

They were scared, that he would come back

Zelda's Pov
Sabrina and Skylar would be home by now... I went to use the academy phone, and I called the mortuary no answer.... I called again... No answer... Maybe they went to Dr Cereburus's, I called the worker's phone
Hilda picked up the phone ʼHello?ʼ ʼHello, is Sabrina and Skylar at shop, because they were supposed to come for witch studies laterʼ Hilda looked around at the booth's and didn't see them

ʼNo why? Is there something wrongʼ Hilda asked anxiously into the phone ʼI don't know... They'd be home by now, maybe they're gone to their mortal friendsʼ Hilda looked around again and saw the seven sitting in a lounge waiting for their drinks ʼThey're friends are at Cereburus'sʼ

Zelda bit her lip ʼI'll see if they're homeʼ

She teleported to the mortuary, when Zelda got there she saw nothing out of the ordinary, she went to into the kitchen, nothing there either ʼSabrina, Skylar are you home!ʼ her voice echoed through the house

Where could they be she thought (Okay before we continue can i just say Zelda is using her mother senses😂)
The seven mortal's were awaiting, Sabrina and Skylar even though Betty didn't want to see Sabrina

Hilda walked over to them ʼBefore i take your order's, have you seen Sabrina or Skylarʼ Betty felt her stomach lurch ʼThey ran off this morningʼ Harvey answered innocently ʼThey were in a rush to get homeʼ Theo claimed

Betty was stopping herself from throwing up, she felt this knot in her stomach becoming more tighter

ʼWhy is there something wrong?ʼ Archie asked ʼNoʼ She smiled and took their orders

Zelda teleported back to the academy ʼAmbrose have you seen your troublesome cousins anywhere?ʼ ʼNot todayʼ

-30 mins later-
The gang (Scoby doo gang) started walking to the academy, since the other three knew where it was

When they got there they knocked on the door, Ambrose answered ʼBloody hell you scared meʼ they looked at him alarmed ʼWhat are you doing here?ʼ
ʼWe wanted to see if Skylar or Sabrina was hereʼ

ʼI don't know their whereabouts, come inʼ he gestured for them to come in through the doors

All the witches and warlock's stared at the mortal's walking in the doors ʼWhat is the meaning of this?ʼ Prudence appeared out of nowhere

ʼOur youngest members are missingʼ ʼAnd mortal's are the answer?ʼ Ambrose just continued to walk to Zelda's office
Skylar woke up, he groaned in pain i must've been hit across the head...

He realised everything was red around him, like it was a wasteland, no no no.... He heard a type of ringing in his head

As he stumbled off the ground, Sabrina was unconscious across from him, he ran over ʼSabrina, Wake up, Sabrina? Birna!?ʼ he shook her viciously ʼTenebris scariusʼ his finger's crackled with bolt's of magic, he got an idea

He said the spell again and put one of the bolt's near her skin, She woke up with a fright ʼOuch!ʼ ʼSorryʼ He just smiled at her

Skylar helped Sabrina up ʼHow are we in the devil's thrawl?ʼ ʼI've no ideaʼ they realised their eye's were back to their natural color

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