Chapter 4, The Two Detectives

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Zelda walks into the living room, Sabrina and Skylar were waiting for there death sentence

ʼI'll get Hilda to whip up some hot cocoʼ Zelda smiled, while Zelda left the room, Sabrina and Skylar just stared at eachother, Sabrina just shrugged, Skylar put his arms around Sabrina warming her up, she looked up and smiled

ʼWhy'd you think Skylar didn't get into Serpentsʼ Archie asked Jughead ʼWell, he might of failed the trial's but he seems like a tough cookie, to be honest i don't knowʼ He replied

ʼI mean, anyone can become a serpent accept for... People who've tried to take there land, no shade Vʼ Betty said

ʼNo shade takenʼ Veronica replied, they headed back to the truck and, went to pop's

ʼNothing better than a burger at Popsʼ Jughead said happily, the other three laughed, they eaten half of there meals when they started conversation

ʼAre you even allowed falcons as pets without licence?ʼ Veronica asked ʼIm guessing they have a licenceʼ Betty answered

ʼThey are a odd family you've gotta admitʼ Jughead said ʼYour the definition of odd jugʼ Archie said

ʼWell there's no disagreeing thereʼ Jughead said jokingly

Sabrina and Skylar were sitting at the fire with there hot chocolate ʼHow are we going to deal with Billy without magic?ʼ Skylar asked Sabrina ʼWho said we couldn't?ʼ Sabrina answered
Skylar smirked at her mischievously
ʼThose bullies are Assholesʼ Betty said ʼI don't disagreeʼ Archie said nodding in agreement

ʼWe should probably get home, our parents will freakʼ Veronica told them
ʼYeah we should start goingʼ Archie said as he put his arm around Veronica's shoulder

ʼI think our parents are well used to us being home late at like eleven o'clockʼ Jughead said ʼExactlyʼ Betty muttered

Jughead and Betty started heading to the trailer park, his dad had left to go Toronto, to see Jellybean and JJ's mother

-The Next Day-
Sabrina woke up, she had realised they were still in the living room, they must of fell asleep

Sabrina poked her armilla ʼOw!ʼ Skylar shouted quietly as he woke up ʼSorryʼ she said giving him an apologetic look ʼYou could've shook meʼ ʼYou did it to me last weekʼ Sabrina argued, Skylar just smiled annoyingly at his sister

ʼDid we fall asleep?ʼ He asked her ʼThat's what it seems likeʼ

ʼDid you have any dreams last night?ʼ He said in a paranoid voice, the last time he asked me that question it ment... The darklord ʼNo, why? Don't tell me what i think it isʼ Sabrina exclaimed ʼSabrina we killed him, we stabbed the spear through him... He can't be alive surelyʼ ʼwhy is it always us?ʼ she said frowning

ʼWere Morningstars, we attract mischief and demons, that could be it, a sleeping demonʼ Skylar explained ʼIm so done with dealing with demonsʼ ʼDemons? What demonsʼ

Aunt Hilda came into the living room

ʼNothing we were just going over demonologyʼ Sabrina said with a gulity smile on her face, Hilda knew that smile from anywhere ʼSabrina love, i've raised you for seventeen years and that's a smile i know from anywhereʼ ʼHilda seriously it's nothing, we're actually going over some demonologyʼ Skylar said

Sabrina was clentching her fist from anxiety, Skylar elbowed her hard in the ribs when Hilda left the room ʼBrina you've gotta stop doing that, I don't like seeing you hurt yourselfʼ He said in a concerned voice, Sabrina took a deep breath, she never liked when Skylar lectured her about something she knew she couldn't control properly yet
ʼBetty wake up!ʼ Jughead said from the kitchen, Betty groaned because she didn't want to get out of bed ʼCome on lazyhead get upʼ Jughead said as he walked in, Betty got out of bed ʼBreakfast is on the tableʼ he yelled out to her

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