"So, why are you still in New Orleans then?" she asked, starting to inch towards her car.

"Maybe I like your city," he shrugged as she unlocked her car. "I'm Roman, by the way."

"And he has a name," she said, impressed while nodded. "Roman. Fits you a lot better than Mystery Blond."

"Is that what you call me when you talk about me to your friends?"

She raised her eyebrows with a smirk at his comment, shaking her head.

"You remind me of someone with how slightly full of yourself you are," she said, his antics easily comparable to that of Damon and even Stefan Salvatore, and someone else, but she couldn't quite pinpoint where else he was familiar from.

"Is that a compliment?" he asked.

"You wish. I'd love to stay in chat, but I have a family emergency I have to get to," she told him, even if, to the rest of the world, it wasn't even her family that was having an emergency. "I'll see you around, I guess. Roman," she smiled, getting into her car.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Rebekah would be a vampire for a few more decades, until Damon and Elena were ready to go. It was Niklaus's parting gift to his baby sister. She wanted to start a family sometime and die a natural death of old age, but she wasn't quite ready for it yet, so it worked that she had to wait a bit for it. Not when her and Marcel were just gaining back their lost time together, enjoying the wonders of the world.

So when Lorelle Julson, now a vampire, showed up at their hotel doorstep in Norway, saying her stupid ring had brought her all over the world, Rebekah honestly couldn't believe her eyes. Lorelle went places that had any trace of Mikaelson, to Mystic Falls even, but the Bennett witch she had questioned only told her what she knew about the Mikaelsons: that Elijah and Klaus were dead.

So she headed back to Mystic Falls for a bit, too, to the only place that seemed familiar to her, even though her home village was no longer a village. Then, she went to Norway. It was then she caught glimpse of a familiar voice and a familiar head of hair, and she followed her to her hotel room.

Rebekah had asked her a series of questions that only Lorelle Julson would know, being skeptical of the girl at first. She and Marcel decided to take the next flight back home with her, needing Freya and Davina's help to figure out what happened.

When Lilah had gotten to the compound, Lorelle was tucked away in one of the many bedrooms, fast asleep from their travels and from unpacking a heavy story to everyone else. From what Josh had told Lilah, her reunion with Kol and Rebekah was heavy and heartfelt, but Lorelle hadn't told anyone why she had fled from the Mikaelsons pre-vampirism in the first place.

"There's this spell that Davina found that could have been used to resurrect Lorelle," Freya informed them, all of them in the common area of the compound, standing or sitting. It was nighttime, but everyone was too shaken up to go to bed.

"My darling here spent a lot of time actually following the coven that we believe might've casted this spell before we even heard that Lorie was back," Kol said, calling Lorelle by the nickname she had been given by their family long ago. He wrapped an arm around Davina, and said, "But it's not just any resurrection spell."

Davina nodded, sighing as she sat up straight, ready to explain. "This spell had to be stronger. And I had been doing some digging for the past year maybe? I caught wind about this coven that worshipped the Mikaelsons in secret. I tracked them down, maybe to see if they could help with what Freya and Lilah had been doing..."

While Lilah couldn't practice magic, she was an active hand in Freya's research and attempts to find a way to bring back an Original once they were dead. They had absolutely nowhere to start, but grimoires and upon grimoires needed to be read and studied, they had to dissect any and every resurrection spell they could find. But in the two years since Elijah and Klaus's deaths, they had gotten nowhere.

Davina continued, " A resurrection spell of this strength, in order to bring someone of Lorelle's age back... it would require a lot of souls, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of powerful magic... but the coven is totally gone. Any traces of them are gone... I think they sacrificed themselves... their bodies and their magic... so that Lorelle could walk again."

"But why do that?" asked Lilah. "If they worshipped the Mikaelsons, shouldn't they have resurrected Elijah or Klaus? Not one of Elijah's past loves."

"That's one of the things I don't get," Davina said. "But it's not like there's any way to find out. Lorelle didn't even know about this coven, obviously. She died before it was ever created. Lorelle herself came from a lineage of witches, but never really tapped into her witch side until she was brought back, so what did this coven want with a witch that was practically human?"

"Maybe it's her bloodline," Josh suggested, everyone looking at him when he commented. He shrugged when he realized everyone was waiting for him to respond. "I mean—like... aren't there certain witches that are just stronger based on their lineage? Like that Bonnie girl in Mystic Falls that you guys talked about."

"Ah, Bonnie," Rebekah smiled. "Mystic Falls would've burned to the ground without her."

Josh continued, "Bonnie hadn't been practicing magic her whole life like most witches, but she was still one of the most powerful witches based on who her family was."

"I've never heard of any Julson witches," Davina shook her head.

"Because the bloodline would've ended with Lorelle," Rebekah stated. "She never had kids, and she was an only child. She would've been the only Julson remaining."

"But she's a vampire now, so if this coven was hoping it was her magical power that would somehow be of use, they're wrong," Kol added.

"Unless she's a like the Heretic coven," suggested Lilah. "If she became a vampire, how was she able to track people down the way she did, in an unknown world, without magic?"

Everyone in the room looked between one another. With the amount of supernatural beings that the family had seen, the ones that they had heard stories of from Mystic Falls, it hadn't occurred to any of them that perhaps the woman could've been a vampire-witch hybrid, like the Heretic coven. A coven that had originated within the Gemini coven and soon fell under the leadership of Stefan and Damon Salvatore's mother.

Silence befell the group of supernaturals, everyone knowing that the peace in New Orleans was about to be shaken to its core.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

remember, 15 comments!

discussion board!! :)

· why do we think roman wouldn't tell lilah his name?

· even now, she only knows his first name... why is that?

· so i took parts of aftermath chapter twelve and incorporated it into this chapter, the parts where davina talks about the coven and the revelation of freya and lilah spending the past few years trying to find a way to bring back elijah and klaus. one thing i wanted to touch on in this book is how fate has a funny way of bringing people together. lilah's original life happened based on her interactions with hope, and she used to think that it was solely hope that brought her into being so close with her family. when, in reality, in a hope-less world, lilah still meets the mikaelsons, still meets josh, and is practically living the same life... just without the salvatore school, somewhere she never goes without hope. pieces and parts of lilah's life remains the same with or without her cousin, because there's things the universe had planned for her.

i think my favorite part of totally erasing Lilah's previous life from anything that has to do with hope gives her a bit of a fresh start? in aftermath, with the loss of her father and what the necromancer said to her, she was just constantly on a downward spiral, but here, she's sad over elijah's death, but she isn't mentally unstable? so... what happens once josie casts that spell that brings everyone's memories back... but lilah already has a new life?

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