Chapter 2 - Rumor

Start from the beginning

"Yeah~" Hana nodded. "But some says he never gotten in any serious relationships... because of this girl..."

"There's a girl?"

"They said he liked her and he never tried to take advantage of her, if I remember she was a volleyball player too."

Kou was dazed for a moment on what she heard. She bit the straw of her juice box as the image of a faceless gorgeous girl appeared on her head. She shook her head down on her feet then look somewhere else to distract her thoughts. Unexpectedly, her gazed landed on this bedhead who could easily be seen because of his domineering height among the students scattered in the hall.

Her brows instantly furrowed.

Kuroo was standing far from them talking (more like listening) to his third-year teammates. He had this calm look on his face as he leaned on the wall with his hands inside his pockets.

Without realising it, Kou has been staring at him for awhile. The next seconds, Kuroo felt this strange gaze at him.

Kou blinks in shock, hurriedly looking away as she nearly got choke on her drink again when Kuroo met her gaze. She covered her cheeks with the back of her palm, feeling the blood immediately rushed into her face.

Kuroo grins, glancing on the girl's pale face awhile ago turns into a tomato red.

She knocked her head inside her thoughts, hoping that he really didn't caught her but badly, he did.

"Hey, Kuroo... I'm serious here! Why are you laughing?" Yaku snapped on their grinning captain.

Kuroo shook his head, one hand covering his mouth to keep the smile on his face.

"I'm sorry. I just remember something funny." he reasoned even the shaking of his broad shoulders won't kept the laughter he's holding.

"Mind to share it?" Kai asked with his kind smile.

"Kai! There's no time for that. I'm explaining something here for the upcoming practice game." Yaku exclaimed annoyingly.

"I'm sorry." Kai apologised.

Yaku rolled his eyes on them, arms crossed on his chest. "As I was saying..."

Kuroo just nodded at his teammates while Yaku continues on explaining something but he wasn't really listening. He was too busy glancing in every second on the girl who was blushing badly because of embarrassment after getting caught staring at him awhile ago.

Kou faces to the other side to make sure she can't see Kuroo even from the corner of her eyes. She look down, letting her hair covers her face, feeling a the heat on her cheeks.

"But if Kou said Bokuto-san was a nice guy, I think you shouldn't worry, Yuri. Right Kou?" Hana said as she look at Kou.

"What's wrong with me?" Kou asked herself as her hand lightly taps her chest. There's this weird sound of drums inside her that she can't explain. It started after a minute ago when her eyes met his from afar and all of a sudden the memories of yesterday flashed back into her head - the kiss.

"Kou... Hey Kou!" Hana waved a hand on her when she noticed her friend wasn't responding and spacing out. "Kou!"

"Huh!" Kou startled, blinking thoroughly. "Wh.. what are we... uhhh..."

"Are you sick or something?" Hana asked, noticing her friend flushed.

"Your face is so red." Yuri said, looking at her with awed eyes.

"Huh?... No. No!" Kou laughs, waving her hands to disagree. "I'm all good."

Hana and Yuri glanced to each other then look at her.

Pit-A-Pat ( Kuroo x OC fanfiction ) - For EditWhere stories live. Discover now