2 - Lmh

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I pressed the bell of a White House "Gawd." I could hear a loud scream from inside. "PIZZAAAAAA" with a smile on my face I waited for the boy to open the door. When I first saw him I zoned out for a few seconds. Gawd he's so cute... he's 16. the Boy looked like an angel. He had blonde hair and soft waves. In his hands a plushie and he wore a pyjama. His cheeks turned pink and it looked even cuter since he was maybe ... 165 cm?

My smile turned into a smirk when I saw him being all flustered. "H-hey" Jisung said shy. Awww why do I suddenly want to cuddle?!? I cleared my throat and licked my bottom lip. "Hey Jisung." He looked up at me and blinked with his long eyelashes. "Oh- Uhm ... s-so... you didn't answer... how old-" I nodded with a chuckle. "I'm 21. I'm your Hyung~" Jisung nodded slowly and I winked at him.

I didn't know I had that much of an effect to him but he passed out. "Oh gawd Jisung!" I put the pizza to the floor and carried the small Jisung into the house. After a minute I found his bedroom. I won't lie. I surely was worried. I didn't mean to make him pass out! I just wanted to flirt with him but I guess he's way to innocent. With a smile I put him on the bed. I sat next to him and cleared my throat when I realised that I turned all soft for Jisung. A complete stranger. I took out my phone and told my boss that I'll quit for today.

"Oh gawd! What are you doing here?!?" I looked next to me just to see Jisung sitting in his bed with his little plushie. "You passed out... are you okay? I mean... does anything hurts you?" Jisung shook his head slowly and gulped. "Did you...." he pointed at the bed. I just nodded. "Should I leave you in front of your house? Gawd I'm so sorry.." I felt so guilty. "No... thanks I.. I g-guess.." Jisung cleared his throat and wanted to get up.

"Yah! Stay in bed. I can help you if you want... I mean I can bring you water or-" he cut me of. "No! My mom-" I rolled my eyes. "I know what your mom said. Jisung you passed out! Just because I was winking at you! Of course I will stay!" Jisung blushed madly when I mentioned the reason for his pass-out. "Mhm... Kay Kay..." I smiled and was about to put my hand on his cheek but then stopped.

"So... want to drink or eat something?" I asked politely. "Yes please. Can you g-go to the kitchen and g-get strawberry milk?" I nodded and stood up. When I was about to leave I felt his hands grabbing my arm. "Hyung?" I turned around an nodded softly at the cute boy. "Don't forget my pizza!" He giggled and I really tried to not murder him with hugs and kisses. "Mhm sure Jisung."

While I went downstairs I tried to find the kitchen. Gawd Minho. He's a minor- he's 16! For Fucks sake why can't I stop thinking dirty in a serious situation! I found the kitchen and looked for the strawberry milk. When I found it I went to the door where the pizza still was laying. After getting it I went back upstairs. Jisung sat on the bed with his phone in his hands. His small cute hands.

I sat next to him and gave him the food and drink. "Yay! Thanks so much Minho Hyung!" He started to giggle and I felt my heart skip a beat. Shit why is he so cute?!?! I sighed and looked around his room. "Oh.. is this your sister?" I pointed at a picture of him with a pretty girl. If I wasn't gay she'd be my type. "Oh Haeyon? No. She's my girlfriend." When he said that I looked at him in disbelief. "Sure and I'm a billionaire." Jisung pouted and hit me.

"She really is! We are together for almost three weeks now!" I slowly nodded. Not is he only in a relationship. No he's straight too. I sadly sighed but decided to still try to make him fall for me. Jisung will be mine. I always get what I want. "So you already fucked?" Jisung looked at me confused. "Huh?" I widened my eyes. "Sex... did you guys..." Jisung looked at me shocked. "YAH! We didn't even kiss!" I smirked at him.

"All innocent I see." He shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about." He gave me a slice of the pizza which I happily ate. "It's okay. Do you really love her? I mean... are you sure?" Jisung nodded. "And you're sure you're just into girls?" I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah! Why?" I started to chuckle and looked at his legs. Since he only wore shorts I could see them all bare. Oh gawd.

"Well ... you passed out when I simply winked at you. I bet you'd die if I'd touch you~" i started to tease the younger. He then was a blushing mess. "N-no! It's n-not because of t-that wink... it.. I ... y-you-" I nodded ironically and laughed. "So you think you could never Fall for me?" Jisung nodded. "I'm not even gay." I just nodded. You just don't know baby. Just wait and see.

"Can I get your number?" I asked as friendly as possible. "O-Okay Hyung..." of course i didn't expect him to say yes that easily. I looked at him shocked but immediately gave him my phone. "Thanks Jisungie~" Jisung again blushed and nodded. He grabbed his plushie even tighter and I smiled at him. "You're cute." Jisungs eyes widened. "Yah! I'm n-not!" He kicked me with his foot and pouted.

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